
Saturday, January 21, 2012


I've noticed on a lot of my favorite blogs, there are postings of delicious looking meals, so I thought I'd share ours this time.

This is what 2nd Man made last night.  Roasted chicken, peas made with butter and herbs, and then one of my favorites, homemade fettuccine Alfredo.  Yes, he makes the pasta by hand and then makes an Alfredo sauce using butter, parmesan and a little pasta water.  It's heavenly...and one of my favorite meals.

What's on YOUR plate for a favorite dinner?


  1. OMG--homemade pasta AND homemade alfredo? Jealous!! Your man's a keeper! lol.

    It looks delicious (except for the peas). My dislike for peas stem to a traumatic childhood incident. Although they are permitted in casseroles, soups and stews.

    1. Tonya - Yeah, when he gets loose in the kitchen, great stuff always comes out. As for peas, I do love them. No traumatic childhood incidents for me. Well there was this one time with fried chicken livers...

  2. WOW! now that's what I call a tasty dish...I like everything on that plate..even the peas (with a little butter :o) In fact thanks for the idea ..that might be tonights dinner :o) with my special rice (leftovers) no time to make noodles good for 2nd man to make they were that all to them (pasta water, butter, and parmesan cheese?

    1. Ginny - Yes, that's all to it. It's two sticks of butter, 8 ounces of grated parmesan (we use parmesan that comes grated up in a tub in the deli section of the grocery, I think it's different from the Kraft in the green cannister), and about 1/2 cup of the pasta water you cook the pasta in. Drain it (reserving the liquid), beat butter and parmesan together, add 1/4 cup pasta water to make it creamy, and and pour all of it into the pasta. Stir until it's all melted and if necessary, add a little more of the reserved pasta water to make it creamier. I didn't say it was fat free, but it is SUPER easy. :-)

  3. I already have a "farmhouse" so why don't you two just move in here. I'll let him cook for me!!! And no fair posting that blog when I'm hungry and tied to the house.

    1. Kelly - that's very tempting! It would probably be a lot less work, well, at least for me, ha.

  4. Oh man! So jealous! This looks devine!


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