
Thursday, January 12, 2012


Heirloom Tomatoes, image courtesy of Design Sponge
Sometimes, an inspiration can come from the oddest image.  I saw this picture online and it really made me want to grow heirloom tomatoes.  Not only for their unique qualities and tastes, but for their beauty and variety as well.

So I saved the image and now that we have gardens in the planning stage, I'm thinking a couple of beds full of heirlooms might just be the thing we need.

Have a great day and see ya round here tomorrow!


  1. Definitely grow tomatoes - they will reward you over and over again. And as for heirlooms- well, they are very special tomatoes.

    Be warned though - you may have to venture into the preserving realm with the bounty that tomatoes provide... :)

  2. Heirlooms are the way to go! Every year, out of the ten plants I grow,my heirloom varities that I grow are my favorite.

    The top three I recommend are: Pineapple (huge meaty yellow - can be 1-2lbs each!)
    Cherokee Purple - again big purple and fantastic shape, 10oz - 2lbs each)
    Chocolate Cherry.

    I saved seeds from my own plants this past year- if you are interested I would be happy to share. I got my original seeds from a fellow Oregon gardener as well!

  3. Heirlooms are great to have...make sure you plant way more than you need.(or think you need).because sometimes you don't get as many as you think will grow..And dont' forget the plums for sauce :o) and start buying your canning supplies now :o) have been forwarned!

  4. Dani - Thanks for the heads up. I can't think of a better problem than HAVING to can and preserve, ha. I can't wait!!

    Shannan - I'm glad to hear that about heirlooms, I'm going to plant heirlooms for sure. I just think heirlooms are such a great way to grow, it's something like a connection to our past. I LOVE that you gave me some recommendations. I will add those to my "list". Thanks!!

    Ginny - Oh, plum tomatoes, yes, I almost forgot. Those make the best sauce huh? Canning supplies, whoo hoo!! I can't wait to have that "problem", LOL!

  5. Shannan - update, forgot to say how SWEET the offer is for your seeds. Let me get my gardens built and I just might take you up on that offer. You're awesome!!!


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