
Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Remember this tree?

It was right in the line of sight from the front porch.

It was too close to the house and the newly repositioned porch steps.

It wasn't a "desirable tree", it was more like a junk tree that sprouted up once upon a time and was just left to grow.

Well,we decided it needed to go and as of this past weekend.... it is, or more accurately, here is what is left of it.  Just a stump.  I'll need to figure out a way to easily remove the stump.  Not sure if there are roots that go under the house/pier so I'd rather not just rip it out of the ground.  

Side note:  See how the yard has greened up since the summer?  Amazing what a little rain will do.

I know there are chemicals you can use, but I hate to start pouring toxic stuff around the yard.  Anyone have any suggestions?  Any natural solution?  We surely don't want it sprouting back, so something needs to be done. 


  1. We had to hire someone to grind out our stumps. I do have one out in the garden, a volunteer mulberry, that has a bit of stump left. I'm constantly having to cut back suckers that sprout from it. It's too deep for me to dig out, and in a place where a grinder wouldn't reach, so I guess I'm just destined to fight it for the rest of my life.

    1. hello couldnt find your comment box so had to leave this message as a reply
      greetings from North Wales.... from a small ( the smallest ) small holding in a small welsh village.....
      I am the animal man... partenr christoper is the bread winner
      it works!
      best wishes

    2. Granny, yeah, a coworker told me about stump grinders. I'm sure I could find someone out there who could come do that. That's my biggest fear is that there will be suckers popping out all over the place. For now I won't worry so much. Bigger fish to fry, ha. Mmm, fried fish, now I'm hungry....

    3. Welcome John!! I had never visited your blog and I love it! Very funny, and very inspirational. Thank you SO much for following us (I've done the same on your blog) and thanks for commenting and introducing yourself. Sorry about blogger, sometimes it's glitchy like that.

      Thanks again!! By the way, your "Dyson vacuum" post cracked us both up. Been there, done that!!

  2. When you figure it out, let me know. We had a tree fall on our house and the stump is still there. Need to get rid of it.

    Side note.... Living out in rural America and being a former insurance agent has it's advantages. When we discovered the tree on the house, I called the president of the insurance company at home. :)

    1. Ha, now that's a funny story! Of course, not the tree on your house, but calling the Ins Co president. I'll let you know what works best, "chemical free".

  3. Once again here I am to the rescue...We had a tree like in our front yard that once and Cecil had to dig all around and under it until he was able to put a chain under it and drag it out with the chain tied to the bumper of the takes time but you get the roots and just takes time to dig around and under...Good Luck , you can do it.

    1. Actually, that may be our last resort. There are some roots that may go up under the house, so I have to be careful but that might just be another option. You are ALWAYS to the rescue, I (we all) appreciate that. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

  4. We had a large oak cut this year because of fears of it falling on the house. Various neighbors dropped by to say we could get rid of the stump with buttermilk. I don't know if it works -- or how quickly it works -- but you'll find references with an internet search.

    1. Buttermilk? That's awesome! I like some sort of all natural remedy like that. I'll do some googling and let you know. Thanks for that tip! Maybe I can make it an ongoing 'blog update'. Check the status of the stump, ha.

  5. We had to dig around and under our stumps when we re-vamped our front yard, too. It was a pain in a** and back, but was worth it. I've heard vinegar can kill roots, but it think you'd have to get that stump down to ground level first...


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