
Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I know I've blogged about rain before, but you have to understand that until recently, it's been months, in some places, over a year, since there was significant rainfall in these parts.  So any time it comes, we're happy.
Enough rain?
And boy, today, did it ever!  Once again, we had possible tornadoes, strong winds, lightning, and most of all, a LOT of rain.  I was at work and unable to photograph the farm, but 2nd Family was kind enough to take this picture and send it to me.  No, this isn't lakefront property, this is their front yard as seen from their porch.  I don't think the birds will need that birdbath right now.

Our house is at the other end of the property and is at the high end of the land.  Water naturally flows down toward their house.  Good for us, bad for them.  Of course it flows on from their yard to the road and on down from there, so I guess it's all good eventually.

She said the rain gauge holds 5 inches and it was full.  So presumably it was more than 5 inches of rain today.  That's great for everything, the ponds, stock tanks, the ground, the plants and trees, and best of all, it filters down to the aquifer and refills the water we get from the well!

It can do this once a week for the next few months (minus the bad stuff) and we would be happy happy!


  1. Seems to be all or none anymore with rain, doesn't it? Well, glad you got some. But a couple inches every few days would be nice too!

    Did you get the link I emailed you for terrarium/wardian plants? Check your spam folder

    1. Sue, it does seem like that. The weather is so strange the last few years. Yes, I hope we get more on a regular in the "olden days", LOL!

      And YES, i got the link it's great thank you so much.

  2. Holy Noah's Ark Batman! That is a whole lotta rain. Hopefully their house didn't flood?

    1. Ha, so true!! Nope, no flooding, thank you for asking. They are pier and beam like ours, about 2 feet or more off the ground and this water was just a few inches in the yard. I checked in this evening and all is good.

  3. YAY for Texas!!! I know many cattle ranchers and cotton farmers are hurting.

    1. Thanks Kelly, we do need it. And it was pretty widespread across the state.


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