
Monday, January 30, 2012


We have books!
We got the jeep loaded up, full of books (and a few other things we had room for) and we finally got the bookcases filled up.  The two bookcases on the one wall are all cookbooks, and the one bookcase on the other wall are all gardening/craft/farm related books.  Believe it or not, there are several hundred books there.  We're sensing a lot of lazy weekends of reading in our future.

We also brought that little stand because it fit in that spot perfectly.  Not sure if that crystal vase will stay there, I'm thinking a vase with something tall instead.

We have a few more books to bring out, but we can scatter them around in other spots in the house.  For now we are just relieved to have one more small project completed.  Baby steps!  They probably don't look as full as they could be, but we have plans for those empty spots on each shelf, something that looks pretty cool...that will come next weekend.  But more on that later.

We'll also need to figure out what to put on top of the bookcases as well.  Baskets for extra 'hidden storage'?  Artificial plants?  Pictures?

Do y'all have other suggestions?


  1. Once you get started in that Garden, you won't have much time for reading :o) unless your trying to figure out what to plant , and how :o)..enjoy the leisure and less time is ahead...:o)

    1. Ginny, I thought about that after I posted it, ha. "Work and less time ahead"...that would make a great sign for the garden, LOL!

  2. I was going to say what Gingerbreadshouse said.
    Time? What time?
    I moved in four years ago. There is STILL no time.

    1. Y'all are scaring me! LOL! No, I totally understand, it's a dream to have a place to relax and enjoy, but it's work getting there and keeping it that way. I'm sure that someday I'll sneak in a bit here and there, but yeah, I know what I'm in for. I think. Ha.

  3. Do I see Farm Journal cookbooks on the top shelf (green, on the left)? In my entire collection, I find that to be my main go to cookbook, along with an old New Better Homes and Gardens paperback. Anyway, the shelves look so much happier now ;-)

    I like the idea of baskets (some with lids) on the bookcases. They are so handy for storing anything from sewing items to CD collections. Of course, you'd probably have to purchase a cute little 2-step wood ladder to reach everything.

    1. eagle eye! I believe those are (I'd have to check with 2nd man to make sure, ha). We've got a few older cookbooks and he goes to them most of all. Baskets with lids are a good idea. I'll have to hit up Hobby Lobby or Michaels and see what they have. And a 2 step wood ladder? You don't need to give me a reason to go shopping, whoo hoo!!

  4. I think I would put a piece of plywood over the top of the bookcases in the corner and place a plant on it, then fill rest in with baskets or some type of Collectibles.

    1. Now THAT is a great idea too! I never thought about a board across that corner space, that increases space too. And I want some sort of plant/plants up there. The corner is a good spot, then baskets for storage. Being a small house with limited space, I like the idea of 'hidden storage' wherever i can get it.

  5. haha..I have been in my house 12 yrs. still not much time (sorry). The only other time you will be referring to those garden books is when your trying to figure out...What in the HECK is that plant?

    1. Sigh, you aren't helping here, LOL! Just kidding. Yep, I hear ya. I'm sensing alot of 'what the heck is that plant' questions in my future, ha.

  6. Really fantastic. What a lot of cookery and craft books you have!

    1. Awwww, thanks! That's about 15 years of collecting I guess. We try to hit up 1/2 price bookstores and tag sales, and clearance aisles in stores. We started getting so many we made a rule, we only try to buy a book that is specific to a certain topic. Like intstead of getting another book on baking of all types (have plenty of those) we'll get one on all angel food cakes. Or maybe one on just different kinds of fruit pies. Maybe a mushroom cookbook with nothing but recipes for mushrooms. Stuff like that. It cuts down on them, not entirely but it helps, ha. I bet when you dig into your boxes, you'll be surprised how fast they add up. Those shelves don't look like they have many books but there are at least 20 on each one. That's 100 per bookcase. At least.

  7. I have a bunch of cobalt blue glass that would look beautiful on top of there. I'd be happy to ship it to you.

    1. You're so sweet....hold that thought, I'm thinking that might work perfectly in the master bedroom, if we can ever get cracking on that room. Don't get rid of it, I think I know exactly where it could go as decorative accents in another room. Big hugs!!

    2. You got it. They're all yours whenever you want them.


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