
Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Homemade Bread Loaves
2nd Man spent the rainy day baking, and I spent the day running in and out of the kitchen taking pictures for the blog.  I'm sure he thinks I'm crazy.  :-)

Here is some of the bread he made.  It was SO good.  We have had it sliced and toasted for breakfast the last couple of mornings, and a few slices with dinner.  It's so nice to wake up to the smell of bread baking in the oven...

One of these days, I'll have to get him to give me step by step instructions and let me take photos...if he slows down long enough.


  1. Replies
    1. LOL!!!! Reminds me of that line from Calendar Girls "I think we're going to need bigger buns".

  2. Nothing like homemade bread. For fun you can roll it out and add cinnamon and sugar and then roll it up to form a cinnamon swirl bread prior to baking--Tasty toasted!

    1. YUM!!!! Now why hasn't he ever treated me to that? LOL! I'm going in there next time with a shaker of cinnamon/sugar when he's rolling it out, ha. Thanks for the tip!

    2. Just take a tad more than 1/3 cup sugar with 2 teaspoons of good cinnamon and mix it up. But don't forget to spread soften butter on the dough before sprinkling the cinnamon sugar mix on it. Decadent.
      PS—I joined the Tuesdays with Dorie: Baking With Julia
      ( Child ) blog and did that with the first assigned recipe which was white bread. I have my pictures posted of the results at my blog.

    3. Wow! thank you so much! I've going to have to check out that tuesdays with Dorie, 2nd Man might love doing that and then I can post the results/attempts here. Yours came out beautifully! Great job! thanks for the info/link.

  3. Replies
    1. I'll see if I can get him to write it down for me. he just sort of wings it and it (almost) always comes out beautifully. But yeah, we need to to share those, that's the whole point of the blog, ha. I'll see what I can get this weekend!! :-) In the meantime, a recipe coming in the morning for something else baked!

  4. Looks very tasty. We just made two loaves of rustic no knead bread on Sunday. It is totally addictive!!

    1. He does the no knead bread all the time, we love that. We even have a dedicated enameled cast iron pan just for the loaves of bread, ha. I have never attempted it, I leave the baking to him but I sure enjoy the results! ha.

  5. Oh YUUUMMMMM!!! I can just taste is all warm and yummy slathered with some homemade preserves! Dang it. I want some.

    1. MMM! I wish we had some homemade preserves, need to work on that!! It's yummy with just butter too!

  6. That looks lovely. I have had some disasters with my home made bread the last couple of times. I'm doing nothing different so I am beginning to blame the ingredients!

  7. I LOVE no knead bread. Dom makes it all the time. Normally I'm not a big bread fan, and even though I don't really eat it, I do enjoy a taste from time to time. We also made our first successful sour dough no knead bread but I need to get Dom to give me the recipe for the blog. LOL Here's our recipe (also done in a cast iron dutch oven) and a video of the process:

  8. I'm the bread baker in our family. Every Sunday and Wednesday...for about 36 years! BTW: 2nd Man's bread looks FANTASTIC!!! I can smell the yeastyness here in California!

  9. Nothing at the shop can compare to homemade bread :)


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