
Saturday, February 4, 2012


Refrigerator Dishes
Over the last few weeks, I've been searching thrift stores for these old style refrigerator dishes.  We had a couple of small ones, but we thought we needed some more, especially in different sizes, for storing leftovers (whenever we have them, ha) in the fridge.  Glass is so much nicer than plastic, not to mention it's got a great 'retro' look to it.

So this is the collection I've found so far.  A few pieces are in the pattern called "hazel atlas crisscross".  It's amazing what you can find once you start looking for something specific.  No telling how many of these I've passed by over the years.  Wouldn't mind having a few more, but this will be a good start.

Here they are, we washed them and put them in the fridge, you know, just to try them out and see how we'd like them, ha.

I couldn't resist sharing this find.  It's the same "crisscross pattern", in a one pound glass butter dish.  It fits perfectly in the butter compartment.  Now if only I could find a glass egg holder of some sort.  Hmm, I wonder if they made those?


  1. You are right, so much nicer than plastic. never seen them here I must admit, which could just mean that I have never looked.

    1. pressed glass is popular here to.... cheap enough to find but I always think its pretty pragmatic and nicely old fashioned

    2. It's funny, when I'm not looking for something I can't find it, but when I have some, I start to see them everywhere. Ha. I bet there are some around you, just waiting for you to discover them!

    3. John - I like that, they are pragmatic. That's what I'll tell myself when I come home with more at some point, ha.

  2. AAAAAAAAAAGH! I don't need another addiction. I already search for teacups, blue cornflower corningware, pyrex, and vintage linens. But I LOVE these and know I will begin collecting them too. Okay, they are healthier than plastic and better for the environment, yeah that's my story! I'm okay now.

    1. I'll trade you your vintage linens addiction for this addiction? LOL! Yes, better than plastic and really the ultimate in reusing/recycling...let's stick with that story. :-)

  3. these work perfect for storing garden produce. I used them to pick the last of the Sugar Snap peas last summer and they held beautifully for almost a month. You're gonna love them. I don't have any of the criss cross patterns-mine mostly have vegetables on them. It's quite a nice hobby collecting them....and the prices can vary widely, so it's also like a "sport" too. Such fun and useful too!

    1. Sue - Dang, all of you are coming up with so many great reasons for me to get more, ha. I'm glad to know they are good for storing produce, perfect idea! Hmmm, that means we might need some more. I'm all for more"sport".

  4. Glass regrigerator dishes work so much better than plastic. and there's no chance of leaching into your food. You also can't beat the vintage look. Funny thing, I collected depression glass for years and always passed them by, just buying two. Now that I've stopped buying, I keep kicking myself for not buying more!

    1. Ed, that's what we're hoping. Love the vintage look most especially, but the fact that we're not using plastic is a super reason too. I know exactly how you feel about collecting and passing something by and then going "dang, why didn't I buy those when I saw them". Did that with Jadeite green glass. Saw them everywhere back when they weren't the "it" item to have for a period of time, and now I kick myself for not buying more. We have a few pieces but I saw a ton once upon a time. I'm going to keep my eye out for more fridge dishes, you never know....ha.

  5. I have one piece, a small square one with lid, hidden on the top shelf in the kitchen. It belonged to my husband's mother, and I've always been afraid to use it because I'd surely be the one to break it! Just like all those lovely pink pieces that I hide away. Someday maybe my daughter will inherit and display them as they should be displayed.

  6. It gives an incentive to gently shut the fridge door. No mucking about having a glass butter pot come flying out onto your feet now. :) A thing to think about next time you go for the salsa.

    1. Oh my gosh, that made me laugh out loud! Thanks! SO very true. I need a sign "caution, open door slowly", ha. Made my night, thanks!!! :-)

  7. Holy cow 1st man - I love this! I love this so much I could spit. I'm going to look out for these as well. I was thinking that glass gets reallycold in the fridge which would keep the fruits, veggies, and leftovers even colder. Love this! (did I mention I love this?)

    1. Hi Shannan! Yes, that's a real plus for these as well, super cold and will keep the stuff colder than plastic might. I sure hope you love it! Ha! Thanks for visiting!!

  8. 1st Man - think you've started something here... :)

    1. Dani, I think you're right! Hey, we could all use a little less plastic in the world, huh? I do hope we can find a few more. I'm sure I could get some on eBay but I'd much rather "rescue" some from a potential trashpile if they don't sell at the thrift store.

  9. I used to have so many of these pressed glass dishes, along with various sized cakestands. Sadly, they were all included in a "bundle" of stuff taken by a local dealer during the house sale. Hopefully, they have found good homes now. Totally agree though, I would prefer these to plastic any day. Living Frugal UK - you can find these at most car boot sales and flea markets all over the UK. They used to sell for just a couple of pounds.

    1. I'm sure they are in good homes. I LOVE cake stands too, one of those things we have a few of, but I could go crazy buying those, ha. And yes, Living Frugal, she's right you should be able to find them somewhere (maybe you'll find some of hers, ha).

  10. oh no--Now I am gonna be trying to collect something else. How cool are these? I want some. Darn you 1st Man for making me want these! (Shakes fist at computer) haha

    Ok seriously, I want some of these. Guess I am gonna go do more shopping today. Oh darn....

    1. Don't hate! LOL!!!!!! I am not responsible for any addictions someone may develop by viewing this blog, haha. You find some awesome stuff at the thrift stores, I bet you find some of these!! Keep us posted.

    2. LOL...No I didn't find any but I am definitely keeping my eyes open

  11. You're going to laugh, but some of this "came with the house" when we moved in. It was on the shelves in the fruit cellar. I sent it to the thrift store.

    1. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Now I'M shaking my first at the computer, ha. Plus I'm jealous of the fruit cellar. I want a cellar of any type, fruit, veggie, storm, etc, ha.


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