
Wednesday, February 1, 2012


You ever have one of those stressful days, work mostly, and you just go "sigh, is it 5pm yet?"  Well I was having one of those until I opened my blog and found a ray of sunshine from all the way over in the UK.  I'm so excited, my first blog award from one of you!  A super generous, amazing cyberfriend across the pond, Dan at Frugal Living UK nominated me.  It was such an awesome thing to do and so totally unexpected.  Thank you Dan!

The rules are simple:

1) Thank the person who gave you the award
2) Link back to their blog
3) Add an image of the award on your blog in the sidebar if you can
3) Choose blogs/bloggers you enjoy and nominate them by listing their blog
and letting them know in one of their comments
4) List 7 random things about yourself

Sounds like fun, so here we go!

I figure the rules aren't set in stone, so I'm going to thank Dan again, and use his blog as one of mine on the list.

Frugal Living UK -  Just an all around nice guy, it comes across in every post.  It's fun watching his experience and having him share each step of the way and besides, he totally made my day today.

Annie's Kitchen Garden- * It's one of my favorite blogs, and I owe her a lot, she highlighted my blog last summer, and she even read it from beginning to end (should be an award just for that, those awkward early posts, ha) and that gained me a lot of new followers.  She's already received this award, but I'm giving her a shout out again.
*granny you're exempt from having to do it again, just wanted you to know you were appreciated

My Cozy Little Farmhouse -  Tonya, what can I say, I feel like I've made a friend even though we've never met.  She has a great blog, finds all sorts of cool stuff and writes some great blog posts.  Go visit her and say hi!

Sky Minded and Ever Growing - "Bee Girl" is one of my earliest followers, and already doing what we hope to be doing eventually.  She comes up with some awesome blog entries with lots of valuable info.  Oh and did I mention she's a talented artist?  She is!

Eco Footprint South Africa -  What a fascinating journey to follow.  They are doing the farmstead thing, in South Africa!  How fun it is to share in this happening in such a beautiful country.

Gingerbreads House - Or Ginny, as we all call her, always leaves me the sweetest and nicest comments.  She weaves, she gardens and she cooks the kind of food I want to go over and eat right now!

The Gardener of Eden -  Robin has been one of my biggest supporters as I do this crazy blogging, and she always has a nice word of support, advice, etc. to share in the comments section.  Thanks!!

Living My Half Baked Life - Last but certainly not least, my friend Kelly, who started her own blog to just document her life, whatever topics she wants to cover.  She's a friend I've known for a long time, and even though we've been separated by distance for more than a decade, I feel like she's still here.

Gosh, I look at this list and I don't want to have to list just a few!  Every single blog on the side bar of my page is important to me, that's why they are there.  It's not fair to just list a few.  Please visit everyone over there, they are all so well done and enjoyable.

Seven Things About Myself:

1) I'm an only child, no siblings at all.  I loved it growing up (not TOO spoiled) and I don't know any different but I secretly wish at times I did have a brother and/or sister.

2) When I was little, had dreams about being on the Titanic, but I didn't know what that was until I learned about it in school.

 3) I once did a TV commercial that aired in Houston enough times that I was recognized once.  I even got fan mail.  TWO pieces, LOL!

4) I've owned 8 cars in my life and my PT Cruiser was my favorite

5) Fascinated by tornadoes

6) Back in the 80's, while in college, I dressed like they did in Miami Vice
(shh, don't tell anyone, it was embarrassing enough)

7) Don't know how to swim.  I can get from side to side in a pool, but if you dropped me in a lake or ocean, I'd sink like a rock.


  1. 1st Man-you totally rock! OMG! I freaked out that you mentioned me!! I got all blush-y and kinda stammered. It reminded me when I was the nerdy-geeky girl in high school and one of the popular actually girls talked to me!

    I feel the same way, I consider you a friend and I love your blog. I never miss a day! Thank you so much for the kind words.

    We even have a couple of things in common 1) I can't swim and 2) I am fascinated with tornado's...on TV. Just don't want to experience one in real life ..ever again!

    I can forgive the Miami Vice because I dressed like Boy George (only I wasn't as pretty), Cyndi Lauper (except I didn't shave my head) and dressed like Madonna. (Unfortunately I did dress just as trampy) LOL

    1. Ha, I'm glad I made your day! You are too funny! Made me laugh out loud!! Don't you just love "Stormchasers?" And all the other shows like it? I'd SO go on one of those stormchasing vacations, ha.

      Boy George? Cyndi? Madonna? LOVE IT! Gosh, weren't the 80's awesome??? :-)

  2. Awww, thank you. That's so sweet of are, and will always be, very dear to my heart. I'm so very glad I found you :-)

  3. WoW! YAY!!! Thank you so much!

    I just have to say how incredibly cool #2 is! There is knowledge in those memories, my friend. Those past lives are powerful and there is knowledge in those memories :-)

    1. you deserve it, you are inspiring to us, you are all ready doing what we hope to be doing. You have bees! I'm jealous! (in a good way, ha). Yeah, the whole titanic thing, very cool in a way. I was always telling my Mom and Dad about being on a ship, they said I would talk about how big it was, that it was very "pretty" with sparkly lights and nice places to eat, and there was water coming in through windows and people running and that it was "cold". When I got to school and was studying History, I sort of had an epiphany that titanic was similar to my dreams. As I grew older it all went away, the dreams and all. When Titanic (the Cameron movie) first came out, I saw it, and hoped it would trigger an adulthood dream but it never did. Very strange indeed. Perhaps my not swimming is connected? Thanks again, big cyber hugs to you and Tool Lady!

  4. Thanks 1st Man - you've paid me a great compliment. Glad you enjoy my scribblings, and occasional soap box moments :)

    1. Well I truly meant it, you have such an inspiring view of nature and the world and why we should all care about what we do. We are truly all connected. Thank you for what you do and I can't wait to see what happens next on your farm!

  5. Thanks 1st Man! It's always interesting to read these and find out some interesting facts about the blogger. Hmmmm, now I have to think of what I am going to post about myself.

    1. Robin, you deserve it, love your blog and always appreciate your comments here. I'll look for your 'seven', ha.

  6. Thanks dear!!!

    And #3 is how you got your buns burned too. And sadly, we've been separated since 1996!! Can you believe it? I think a 2012 belated resolution for us should be to schedule a visit one way or another!!

    1. Oh yeah, #3 led directly to me being "pranked" on the radio, courtesy of Kelly. It was a fun memory. I'll share that story next time I have to come up with another 7 things, ha. Yes, 2012, let's make it the year!

  7. Congratulations! Loved all the pieces of info about you. A real star. With a past life. Very interesting. But you need to learn how to swim! You never know when a flood will come your way!

    1. Ha you are too nice. A star? LOL, I wish, or maybe I don't actually, I like the simple life, ha. Past life, possible? Sad thing is I don't have many memories of that now. Wish i did. Of course. now I think anything I might try to remember would be clouded by the movie Titanic (which I saw about 50 times, ha). You're right I should learn to swim. Maybe it can be one of those late in life bucket list things?

  8. Love your blog!! So awesome
    Your new follower on GFC


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