
Monday, February 20, 2012


We had yet another rainy end of week and start of the weekend.  Saturday was a washout, a little over 3 inches of rain.  We didn't go out until yesterday and this was the sight that greeted us when we got there to work on the yard: super saturated ground.  It's a great thing to see, it means the ground is so wet, it won't absorb more, but it also means I can't start on the yard projects just yet...

There is a drainage path/depression that pulls water away from the house which is a good thing.  I believe 2nd Family did this for "Ma" a few years ago.  You can see it in this picture.  Our end of the property, where the house is located, is the high end, and so water eventually works it's way down toward the road... 

This is the area near the burn pile we used recently.  It was very flooded, ankle deep water over a wide area.  To be fair though, it is part of the direction the water flows toward the drainage areas so I guess that's to be expected.  Still, I can't imagine much here in the way of flowerbeds...

The picnic/party tree stayed dry under the future dining area, so that was good, but the path getting to it was a bit wet and muddy...

This is on the other side of the house, another low spot with some standing water, about 2 inches deep actually. We need the rain, so no complaints there.  We just wish it would happen during the week instead of the weekend, which, of late, has been the only time we could go out there....

Fingers crossed for it to be a dry one this upcoming weekend or I'm going to get so far behind, we might have to worry about planning the Fall Garden instead of the Spring Garden.


  1. I am a little jealous of the green grass you have growing there. Muddy or not it sure beats the winter blahs here in Ohio. But that is a bummer you weren't able to start your project yet.

    1. You mean the green weeds? LOL! I think there is some grass in there, but after the brown, dried, cracked ground of the Summer, I'll take green in anything! Yeah, slightly worried about timing, but hey, I'll do what I can when I can.

  2. Oh you have heaps of area to cultivate! What I could do with said amount of sunny space.... *mischievous garden giggle*

    1. I know! It's about 2 acres around the house and another 8 that's sort of "au naturel". I'm starting small, around the house, and then moving outward on the property. At least, in my head that's what I plan on doing, ha.

  3. Take heart, it will all happen in good time. I've had landslides and top soil washed away and all sorts that has set me back and I generally find that during that enforced waiting time, one can find some new idea or angle and are pleased you didn't rush into the original plan. They do say that you should live with a garden for a full year and see it go through all the seasons. That way you get a real feel for sunny spots, wet parts, where the shadows fall and the frost never melts, but also, perhaps most importantly to see what little gems are waiting, undisturbed, to burst forth and surprise you come spring. That said, I hope you get some good dry weather soon and can make a start. In the meantime, happy planning : )

    1. You know, very sound advice. There is a little part of me that is wondering if I am trying to do too much all at once. That makes sense. Planning is the best part! I never thought about that, seeing how things are with the various seasons...

  4. I'm just in love with your picnic/party tree! We have a similar pine tree that I layed a brick patio next to with my son when he was 6 yo...he's 30 now. I love that tree, the patio and the priceless memory of that little boy and I placing each brick just so.

    1. Aww, thanks! I love that you have a tree that means so much to you. I hope that ours generates as many happy memories.


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