
Sunday, March 18, 2012

200,000 THANKS

We have no idea how this happened, but sometime over the weekend, we surpassed 200,000 page views!  We really have no words we can say we haven't said before at other milestones, except thank you, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.  Someway, somehow, whatever I write and post here is interesting to you and for that, we are eternally grateful.

Keep coming along for the ride, the best is yet to come!


  1. It could be because your posting about natural easter egg dyes was posted on Pinterest. That's how I found you.

    1. Thank you so much! It means alot to us that people come visit and enjoy what we post. Please come back again!!

  2. That's how I got here, too! The Easter egg dyes on Pinterest! And now I keep coming back...

    1. Well, we are grateful to everyone, however they get here. We'll start posting alot more 'how to' type things in the near future, as well as recipes and some decorating tips and just general stuff that we find interesting and hope we can share with others the same way.


Please leave us a comment! I have some comment moderation on and of course will approve your comment relatively quickly. We love feedback and hearing what others have to share with us all. Please know that I can't always reply to it right away, but ALL comments are read. I will reply just as soon as I can so be sure to come back and see my reply.

Now, let us hear from you!