
Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Today is the day, for better or worse LOL, that I came into this world.  A year ago, I was in the midst of the closing process, with all the drama that was inherent in that.  Wasn't even sure it would end up happening.  And now here I am a year later, we own it and are gradually turning it into what we had always dreamed of.  I can't think of a better gift than that!

I will be taking the day off from work and from blogging while we go visit King Tut!  Yeah, what can I say, I'm a nut for history.  We've been fortunate to have the major touring King Tut exhibit here in Houston, at the Museum of Fine Arts, since last October.  It ends in two weeks and we want to make sure we don't miss this perhaps once in a lifetime experience to see the grandeur of the "boy king".
King Tut - photo courtesy of National Geographic
It's funny, there was a time in my life that I was leaning toward pursuing a degree in archeology, but I didn't.  Now I live vicariously through historical exhibits such as this.  Hmm, now that I think about it, isn't gardening a form of archeology? We're just digging up different stuff?  LOL!
It should be a fun and memorable way to spend my birthday and that's only part of the day, not sure what else is planned, but we'll see how it unfolds!

Enjoy your day, whatever you are doing! 


  1. Happy Birthday!

    You would have made a great field archeologist traveling the world, but farming should certainly give you a chance to get your hands dirty.

    1. Clif!!! Thanks for the wishes. I will definitely have dirty hands out there, lol.

  2. have a great day....dare I ask which one?
    I will be 50 this year...(going on 20)

    1. 40 40's. OK fine, I'm 47. :-)

  3. Happy Birthday and have fabulous time out today :)

    1. It was a great day, tomorrow I'll post the details. thanks for the happy thoughts!

  4. Happy Birthday! Seeing King Tut sounds so interesting! I saw the pompeii exhibit years ago and it was fascinating. I didn't realize King Tut was even in Texas. I hope you have a great day!

    1. I would love to have seen the Pompeii exhibit. Tut was awesome. It was a great day, thanks for the kind words!!

  5. Well Happy Birthday. Have a wonderful day.

  6. Have a happy one today! I too wanted to be an archaeologist long time ago and almost did major in it but changed my mind. Many years ago such an exhibit on Tut was at the Smithsonian and I got to see it. Enjoy it and share photos if you can.

    1. Archeology is a fascinating field. In college I took a couple of "intro to" classes and I was very tempted. Had been fascinated with it since childhood. But like you, I changed my mind. Do you know I've never been to the Smithsonian? It's on my bucket list, ha. Thanks again!!

  7. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear 1st. Man, happy birthday to yooooooooo! And many, many more :-)

    1. Awww, thanks!! You sang me a song! Love it!!

  8. What Annie said! :-) Love you!

    1. Thanks girl!! And DITTO! Love you bunches!!!! See you soon!

  9. Happy Birthday! Hope you've enjoyed a beautiful day off!!!

    1. Thanks! It is much appreciated. It was a beautiful day. Thank you so much!!!

  10. Wow! You'll never believe it but it's my birthday too! Happy bday fellow Aries!

    1. Wow, too cool!! Thank you and Happy Bday to YOU as well! We Aries are a quirky bunch, huh? LOL!

  11. Happy Belated Birthday! How was the Tut Exhibit - I purchased the National Geographic book about the exhibit - just recently - and found it fascinating!!!

    1. It was awesome. Sadly no photography allowed, but I committed it all to memory. It was just beautiful and amazing to think all those objects are thousands of years old. Truly unbelievable works of art. Thanks for the bday wishes!!!

  12. Happy Birthday- what a wonderful life you guys have on your farm! ...miss the roots. "we dig dig dig dig " :) {the seven dwarfs}....on my asparagus recipe: Just whisked egg and bread crumbs- and shallow fry the shoots :) till tender.- season with sea salt- simple and easy!

    1. Awww, thanks for that! It's been a lot of work (and tons more to go) but it's fun. We hope we're creating something that will someday be pretty cool. Love the seven dwarfs comment, I'll remember that when I'm out there, ha.

      LOVE the simplicity of the asparagus. We WILL be doing that soon. So easy and look amazing! (as does all your food! everyone go visit her blog, she's got some great stuff).

      Thanks again!

  13. It seems I'm always a day late with my well wishes, but I hope you had an absolutely wonderful birthday!! =)

    1. Oh please, I'm not the least worried about that. I just love that you took the time to write! Thank you very much for the well wishes, it means a lot!

  14. Hey FM--So sorry I missed your birthday yesterday!! So Happy BELATED Birthday!!


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