
Saturday, March 24, 2012


...when you don't mow!
This may look soft and luxurious, but it's actually the yard getting way out of control.  The reason is that we have had nonstop rain for three weekends in a row, so there has been no outside yard work done in that time. Even though the green is beautiful, the height is not as noticeable in this picture of the party/picnic tree... it is here in this photo.  We've had a lot of rain, which is, of course, AWESOME as compared to last Summer's drought, but it's really making things a bit more wild out there. The plan is to borrow 2nd Family's riding mower this weekend and knocking this all out.  If not this weekend, it will be next weekend for sure. We need our own mower...soon.


  1. I'd suggest buying a mulching mower. We haven't had to fertilize our lawn since we started leaving the mulched clippings on it, although I must admit we have to mow more often (or get out the old bagging mower) when the clippings get so lush that they start leaving big ugly clumps in the yard.

    1. The mulching attachment was one thing I wondered about, good to hear some advice on that. Will definitely make sure there is a mulching feature. THanks!!

  2. I'll add to the mulcher, the widest cutting path you can afford. Zero turn radius would be ideal. I've got a big yard too:)

    1. Great ideas! Thanks! Yeah, we were looking at the cutting path, so i guess it makes sense to get the biggest you can (or like you said, can afford, ha). Zero turn radius, never thought about that one. Makes it easier to get around trees and stuff huh? Thanks!!!

  3. Lovely looking grass! Right now ours is still brown and somewhat snow covered!

    1. It's green and pretty, that's for sure. Sorry you're still snow covered, but Spring is coming soon for you, I know it!! :-)

  4. You seem to be lacking dandelions :-) I have plenty, should you need some. My daughter mows my yard and hers, and she's been very busy for the last 2 weeks.

    1. Ha, I never realized that, there aren't any dandelions huh? That's funny! Yes, things are growing fast this season. That's good AND bad, ha.

  5. What's scary is we have long green grass as well!! I can't remember a time when we had green grass in March.

    1. Weird that it's green so early huh? Not sure what that means for us. Is the weather off? Is it going to be a long hot summer? More veggies and flowers??

  6. Hey! Diane's right you don't have dandelions! You want some of mine? I got plenty to spare! My grass is so tall my dogs are annoyed that that can't squat to go potty because it pokes em in the bum. lol

    The hubbs is mowing tomorrow thank goodness!!

    1. HA! Now that's too funny! I can just see the dogs going "um, I don't think so!". Hey, maybe he could just mow a dog squatting area, ha. I'll have an update on mowing later today.


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