
Sunday, March 11, 2012


Thought I'd share a "moment" I had the other day.  I left work in the middle of the day to drive to the farm and meet the delivery guys.  I got there about 30 minutes before their scheduled arrival. 

Foyer floor
I already had the "path" into the rooms clear so they could get stuff in, and so there was not much to do until they got there.  I looked around and noticed the floor of the foyer was kind of dirty, you know, dirt tracked in, the 3 or 4 dead bugs that somehow find their way into the house even when it's all closed up, a few leaves that blew in, etc.  So I grabbed the broom from the mudroom, opened the front door, propped the screen door open with a stick I found outside and started to sweep stuff out onto the porch.  That turned into sweeping the whole porch itself.

There I was, dressed in my work clothes, slacks, long sleeve shirt, and dress shoes, sweeping the porch and it couldn't have been more relaxing.  I quickly found myself in another world, not thinking about work, not worrying about anything, my mind just sort of went blank (in a good way), almost like meditation.  Suddenly, I found myself humming!  Not sure how long I had been doing that, but I was and didn't have a care in the world.  I'm sure I would have been a sight to see, crazy guy in the dress clothes sweeping his front porch and humming some random song, but then again, I was in the middle of the country with no one around for acres and acres...

View out the door
My assumption is that this is what people love about living like this and I can tell you it was pure heaven, just doing such a routine task, and staring out onto the property.  We just can't wait to get there on a more regular basis and enjoy that kind of feeling.  I used to joke when we went out there to visit Ma, before we owned it of course, that even just a day out there, relaxing on the porch, made the weekend feel like we had been on a vacation away from everything else.

Sure there is work to do, lots of it, but there is still something so rewarding about the slower pace of life.  The "Zen of Sweeping"?  Ha.

Is it just me or do others feel that way too?


  1. that's exactly how i feel each day when i get home from long commute from work and just looking around on my garden already makes me relaxed :)

    1. They are a lot of work but work the mental vacation huh?

  2. Yep that is how I am when I garden and I even hum and sing when gardening because I am so happy!

    1. I'm glad to know it's contagious for everyone and not just me? LOL! Thanks!

  3. Yep--you nailed it. Better copyright your ideal-haha

    1. Ha, too funny! You're right, it could be the name of a book or something. LOL!

  4. I find that work around my home in the country isn't really work ~ it is truly a pleasure. Especially working outdoors. There's nothing like the peace and quiet of the country to soothe one's soul.

    1. I like what you said, it's true. Everything I've done out there so far, even the hard stuff, hasn't felt like work, it's been fun. And oh so rewarding. Yes, the peace and quiet definitely can sooth the soul. Thanks!

  5. If I had your porch and your view, I'd sit down in a rocking chair and never get up. I love the view of the tree, it's going to look so awesome!

    1. Awww, thanks!! Don't tempt me though, I've been known to just sit there for a bit "planning" what to do...and then an hour later, I'm still "planning", ha.

  6. I feel the same every time I go out to the farm - no matter how much work I have to do! Can't wait until we move out there permanently!!

    1. Wow, you sound just like us! We are enjoying every moment of this process (not always the $$ but that's another story, ha), but the work is so rewarding and we can't wait to be out there full time someday. Love your blog by the way!

  7. So true. I feel like this when I go to my grandma's farm and I don't even own it. There could be grass to cut, limbs to pick up and cows to feed but I can't wait to get up there and do it.

    1. Hey girl! It is like a vacation huh? I guess when we are so caught up in our lives in the city there is something to be said for the slower pace of the country. Sure there is work to do, but it doesn't seem like work. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!! We need to get together soon!

  8. Beautiful and just the way I feel!

    1. Isn't it a great feeling? Glad you have the same thoughts. Keep up your hard work too!

  9. I miss the days of sitting on Ma's porch and can't wait to visit and do the same on your porch. :-) Do I need to bring my own rocking chair? I have one. I think I'll bring it with me next time I visit and you figure out where it can go. If you like it; it's yours.


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