
Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Down here in the Southern US, we have a brand of ice cream called "Blue Bell". It is so very good and for years, was only available in Texas. It has spread to other parts of the country but it's still not sold everywhere. Anyway, I thought the freezer at the farm needed some so I bought these individual serving containers and stocked it up.
Last weekend, after our berry picking marathon, we needed a break. So we broke out the vanilla, put some still sun warmed dewberries on top, and dug in.  Let me tell you, it was pure heaven.  Sitting on the porch with a breeze blowing, birds chirping, a rooster in the distance, eating vanilla ice cream covered in wild was a moment I'm still dreaming about...


  1. Replies
    1. Hey, the more the merrier! Until we run out of ice cream of course, ha.

  2. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! We moved away from Texas about 10 years ago and I miss Blue Bell in THE worst way. You just brought back many memories. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. I hope that was a good memory! Sounds like it. I think they ship if you are so inclined. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. "Sun warmed dewberries". Wow, you really took me there, I can totally imagine that. Probably the closest thing to cobbler huh? Thanks for sharing, well, not REALLY sharing, lmao.

    1. They truly were still warm, it was kind of neat, they even melted the ice cream ever so slightly. The only thing missing was "crust", ha.

  4. Oh my word. ..we just arrived in Colorado. . .and we found Blue Bell. . .we were so excited. I told hubby that I had some frozen blackberries I was going to mix in to my homemade vanilla. . .see, great idea. . .not as great as fresh, sun warmed dewberries. . .but the best I can do at the moment. . .fun post!


    1. Hey! Some Blue Bell ice cream fans out there! I didn't realize it was in Colorado. Wow, I remember when we moved to Texas (when I was 13) Blue Bell wasn't even available all over the state. Too cool that's it's all over now. Hope you enjoy it!

  5. Sounds absolutely delightful!

    1. It was, I wish I could have some virtual way of sharing!! ha.

  6. that looks great. I need to ask my relatives who live in Texas about this ice cream.


    1. Most anyone in Texas knows about "Blue Bell". Not sure what it is that makes it so good, but it's good! Their tag line is that it's so good because the cows think Brenham is Heaven. Brenham, TX is the place where it's made and they supposedly only use milk from cows in that area.

  7. Oh my goodness, I love Blue Bell. I can't find it anywhere in the DC area! I'm originally from Texas, and I make sure to have some every time I go home.

    Enjoy a little extra for me!

    1. Will do! See, Blue Bell has fans everywhere!!!

  8. Blue Bell gets trucked into Georgia, and I buy those little individual containers. No other ice cream is nearly as good! I haven't tried it with any toppings (including fresh berries) because I get so blissed out with the plain stuff that additions have simply never occurred to me. But, you make it sound awfully good.

    1. Yeah, it doesn't need much, if anything, to be good, especially their 'homemade vanilla' flavor. The berries were just too easy, ha. Now I DO see a cobbler in our future...topped with Blue Bell vanilla, ha.

  9. LOL. Hubby has been listening to the Rangers games online and hears the Blue Bell commercials. Makes him miss Texas even more.

    One of my treats as a kid was on my grandparents farm (the kind with real cows that we had to milk) was going out to pick raspberries. As our reward we got to have fresh raspberries over vanilla ice cream after dinner. Then there's all those raspberries that went directly into our mouths instead of the bucket... :)

    1. I see some Blue Bell in your near future! ;-)

      Ah, nice memory...hey, we're grown adults and half the berries went into our mouths while picking....ha.


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