
Friday, April 27, 2012


Image courtesy of: bamboo tshirts
I can totally relate to this, as can many of you I believe.

My best times of late have been when I'm at the farm and I'm either on the mower, or digging in the flower beds.  I call it my "Zen time".  Even just roaming around exploring or taking pictures, I'm just so at peace.

I might add that yes, you get tomatoes...and of course other veggies and herbs and fruits and berries and flowers...well, you get the picture.


  1. Gardening is the best therapy ever! However, just like therapy it isn't always cheap but it is always productive. I wonder how much crazier I would be if I couldn't garden, haha

    1. Ha, so true about not being cheap, but probably better money spent on the garden than the therapist, haha.

  2. That is really great therapy and relaxing and my "peace and quiet" time. Having veggies is just a side benefit :)

    1. Or is that PEAS and quiet? LOL!!! Ditto for me, it's definitely my quiet time to think and let my troubles melt away. I love it! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one!

  3. I holed up in my home all winter long and the thought of gardening back in January seemed overwhelmed (so much to do). then I actually got outside this past month and got my hands dirty and I am so happy! I remembered why I love this so much!!

    1. It's my first real year of having so much to do and while it does look overwhelming at times, it's now become my most favorite time. My Dad used to have to DRAG me out of bed to mow the grass, now I sit at work during the week and daydream about mowing acres! LOL!

  4. Best time on earth is spent out in the garden. I think there would be a lot less problems in the world if folks just got out in the sunshine, listened to the birds and pulled some weeds!

    1. Amen is right. It's nice having a break, but I do tend to get antsy, probably more so for the first time this year because of having the property. Last summer was a bust because of the drought and the remodeling, but now I'm ready!!! Therapy is my weekends out there, ha.

  5. I"m watching a friend's baby 2 days a week. Great therapy and I get paid for it. It ends right before I come to Houston to see my dear friend I haven't seen in @#$%^ years That will be more therapy!!

    Have you checked out pallet gardening?

    1. Awww, thanks! Don't expect miracles out there by June, things are running slowly, ha. Oh and yes, I did check it out, very cool!!!

  6. There is something about getting out there and working with the earth that calms the mind and frees the spirit. I think it is the best therapy that there is!

    1. At the risk of a bad pun, I think it takes us back to our roots, ha. Our beginnings in a way huh? It does truly connect us to the Earth in a way nothing else really can. :-)


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