
Friday, April 13, 2012


View out the bedroom window
I snapped this random picture when I was waiting on the tractor delivery the other day.  This is the view out of the bedroom window.  I think it's a pretty great view to wake up to.

On the other side of that fence (behind the glare) there are about 200 acres of grazing land (alas not ours, LOL!).  That means the only neighbors behind us are cattle.  I can guarantee that it will beat the heck out of the current view in the city of the neighbors driveway and wall of their house
(however our city neighbors ARE awesome people)!
So, this got me to thinking...Do you have a favorite view out a window in your house?  Maybe it's the kitchen window you stand in front of when cooking?  Or a bedroom window like this that you wake up to?  Or perhaps the back door looking into the yard?  Do share your favorite view!


  1. Oh that's easy, and you hit the nail on the head. My kitchen sink window looks right out at a pond on our property and I sometimes find myself drying the same dish over and over while staring at the view.

    1. That sounds like something I'd do, get lost in the view and not realize what I was doing (over and over, ha). We will have (someday) a pond on our property but it's at the other end so we won't have a view from the house but it'll be nice knowing it's there! ha. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. your view looks so nice. i see a brick wall from my place LOLZ, but i have a plan for the future like you to have a place in the country. i love seeing you doing this from the beginning. you've given me lots of good advice and things to think about. i can't wait to watch it unfold.

    1. Thank you for that Becca. Yep, I started this blog to document not only journey for ourselves but to maybe help others along the way that might be starting, or wanting to start, on a similar journey. I figured I could talk about what goes right, what inevitably goes wrong, and everything in between. Please come back soon!!

  3. We have so many windows here that every view is a favorite view. Our entire south wall in the great room is windows. If I ever move and that will happen one day I will so miss always having the outside inside because of these windows.

    1. I love that every view is a favorite view. I suppose that will be the same for us. I love the wake up view, but the view out every window has something better than the view in the city, ha.

  4. Jealous!
    I can't wait until that is my view too (it's my goal)

    1. You'll be there soon, I know it!! We've had this goal for 12 years before we finally realized it. And it's going to be a long process getting it to where we want it, but that's what goals are for, right??

  5. It's a tossup. Out the front window I look across the street at a small pasture. There haven't been any animals in it for several years now, but the owner keeps it mowed and weeded and in better condition than I keep my own yard! Out the back sliding glass door (and kitchen window) I view my garden. I love looking at that for 8-9 months of the year.

    1. A pasture is a nice view to have, especially if it's kept up. And gosh I've seen pics of your garden in years past, and I wouldn't mind staring at that myself!! :-)

  6. My favorite view right now is standing at our fence looking back across my garden boxes toward our porch, where sits (for the moment) the nearly completed farm table Sarge is building for us. At this angle I can almost (almost!) block out the 3 other apartments in our building and the other 6 buildings surrounding us. Of course, this method works best around 0630 when the soldiers have already left for PT and it's quiet out again. LOL

    I'm really looking forward to having a view like yours. Gorgeous!!

    1. A farm table?? That sounds awesome!! Sounds like you have a happy view too. I love that we all have that view we like seeing. Sounds like you might be on a military base? I bet that gets loud on occasion, ha.

    2. Oh yes, it gets quite loud at times here on post. I particularly love when they start up with the helicopters or artillery about half an hour before bed time. =P One thing's for sure, when we move to the country it's going to seem extra, extra quiet.

      BTW we got the farm table stained this weekend. It's just waiting for another coat of shellac, and then it can be moved into the house. Yay! I'm going to try to get some pix today, so I'll post a link for you.

    3. Ok finally got pix up. Here's the link, if you're interested.

    4. BEAUTIFUL! I'd buy something like that, ha. Tell him very nicely done. You need to have him make lots of furniture for your house. It should be beautiful someday. Thanks for taking the time and sharing. :-)

    5. Thank you so much for your kind words! I will pass them along to him. We have plans for a coffee table and kitchen cart soon. And we're hoping to establish a furniture making business for him once we get settled somewhere. Thanks again! =)


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