
Monday, April 2, 2012


Guest room is coming along nicely.This weekend we were able to get the new beds finally made (a small step, ha).  The bedspread was my Mom's. A pale pink matelasse. We also have pillows and under that bedspread are actual sheets!  We got some great deals at Overstock for both beds.  It's nice to have it 'made' for a change.  Still need  accent pillows for the bed.

Also don't have all the pictures on the walls, and curtains and other fun stuff, but I wanted to show you a bit more of how it all is coming together.  Here you can see the pale yellow and how it goes with the pale pink.  The accent pieces will involve flowers, we've decided we want this to be a sort of "Spring theme" room.
We've got some vintage quilts that will go in here as well, two of them were made by my Grandmother.  On one of them, she embroidered the state flowers of all "48" US states, prior to 1959.  I've got a topper for that side table that will bring some more yellow in there as well.  Funny that we'll end up with the guest room finished. Master bedroom pics coming soon.


  1. I love the retro picture!!!
    lol but ditch the teddy!
    lovely restful place!

    1. Ha! The teddy will have another spot later on. He's just there to be out of the way, until we get some pillows and stuff for the bed. Thanks for the comment!

  2. Boy everything is coming together quite nicely! Guest room is absolutely perfect. Anyone that stays in there will NEVER want to leave! ha

    1. Oh oh, that could be a problem, LOL! Too funny! Thanks for the comment, we appreciate it!

  3. sorry didnt mean to be rude bout the teddy!

    1. That never even crossed my mind, no worries! :-)

  4. OMG! it is sooo charming. I agree with Farmers wife. No one would want to leave. I certainly would not want to ;)

    1. Aww, thanks for that! Yeah, it's definitely going to have a different vibe than the master bedroom, which will be more dark blues, grays, black, white, etc. We'll see hot it all comes out! Thanks!!

  5. The room looks great! I like how you are using your Mom's and Grandmother's things to furnish it. That makes the room even more special.


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