
Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Is THIS what Horton was hearing?
How cool is this?  I saw this at the farm this weekend.  Not sure what type of flower it is but as soon as I saw it, with its pink color, fluffy texture and tiny yellow speckles, all I could think of is the pink flower from the classic Dr. Seuss story "Horton Hears a Who".  Isn't nature awesome?
Horton Hears a Who
Hmmm, should I listen closely to one the next time I'm out there?
1st Man Hears a Who?



  1. Now that is really cute. what a pretty flower too and it does look like the Horton flower. My kids would go crazy if they saw that, it's one of their favorite movies. Alas, I've probably had to watch it a hundred times, haha.

    1. I wish I could save one or two for your kids, ha. Too funny about the movies, one of the ladies I work with said she has now watched Cars about 100 times and Puss n Boots is closing in on the same. ha. Thanks for visiting, hope you'll come back!

  2. so when are you getting an elephant?

    1. Too funny!!! I guess that's what we need huh? LOL!

  3. Please share when you find out what kind of flower it is! I just love all the amazing things in nature you are finding on your farm!

    1. OK, now I was JUST going to say I hope someone can identify it and then judydee below has perhaps done that. Too cool. I love the internet. You know, so many things we find are just sort of weeds, but even those have an inherent beauty...thanks for the kind words, it truly means the world to us. :-)

  4. I believe the flower is Sensitive Biar, or Schrankia microphylla (Solander ex Smith) Macbr. Or more easily said, Sleepy Briar. If you gently stroke the fern-like foliage, it closes up on itself. It was quite a treat for us to find one when we were young.


    1. That's some great info! I had NO idea what these are/were, I'll have to check out the foliage. Now I'm all excited to go out and try it. Hope I can find the patch where these were. Thanks for the info!!! Awesome. Please stop back by!!

    2. It's also known as Mimosa strigillosa, or "sunshine mimosa" or powderpuff or "sensitive plant"- fascinating little weed. Was recently chosen as "Plant of the Year" in Florida. Grows like a weed down here in central Florida, they xeroscape with them to protect the environment. I gather bouquets of them all the time!

  5. Nice find! They really do look like Horton's flower. And so pretty too. I love puffball kinds of flowers.

    1. I need to try to cut one and keep it but something tells me it will be fleeting. I might have to just enjoy them from a distance, ha.

  6. I want some of those puffy flowers in my garden! You are so lucky to have so many wonderful flowers and plants.

    1. They are so cool, everytime I see the picture I took it makes me smile for some reason. This is probably a weed or something shortlived, but I'll enjoy them while I can. It would be neat if I could collect a seed or something, I'll have to check that out. Nature is always surprising us, huh?

  7. My daughter and I just found some of these in the parking lot of the movie theater after seeing a movie....we thought the same thing. We live in Daytona Beach, FL.

    1. Ha, that's too neat! I guess it's something that is growing all over. Sure wished we knew what they were (other than cool!). Thanks for stopping by!

  8. My husband and I found some of these tonight while out on our walk. I was thrilled when I saw what it was. I told him I knew where to find out more about them. I was so happy to come back here to find out what they were and look them up for more info. Thank you for your keen eye and sharing so many wonderful things on your blog... also, we picked and ate some dew berries along our stroll. :)


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