
Thursday, April 19, 2012


Peaceful Trees, photo courtesy of:
I've always loved this photo.  It speaks to me of all things I always wanted on a piece of property.  The first time I saw it, I told 2nd Man "I want property that looks like this!".  Actually, substitute a couple of Mesquite trees for the ones here and this might be a spot on our property.

Of course, when I saved this picture on my computer, I never thought we'd be owning something so similar.  This truly was an inspiration then, just as it is now.  Actually, seeing this picture now makes me want to leave sections of the property natural like this photo depicts.

Blog day off, see you back here tomorrow morning with a
Friday Funny to start your weekend!


  1. I love your inspiration photos. They are always just what I want - precisely. The running theme seems to be one of peace and tranquillity - which is I guess what we are both looking for.

    1. Aww, thanks for that. you know, I never really thought about it but that is true. It seems the photos that inspire me are the peaceful ones huh? Very cool that you noticed that.

  2. What a lovely hiding place for.....SNAKES! LOL!

    1. Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder!! LOL! :-)

  3. What a gorgeous picture. You could get lost in it, just dreaming about the scents and sounds you would find there along with the visual beauty...

    1. Maybe that's what I like about it too, I can only imagine all the adventures and things to discover in there. Thanks for your comment, they are always appreciated!!


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