
Saturday, April 28, 2012


Just a random picture from the farm.  These are probably weeds called "Verbena Bonariensis" (thanks to all the commenters), and are very pretty...I even cut some and brought them in to put in vases.  The butterflies were all over them too, so that's nice.

At the farm today, working my tail off I'm sure, updates as I have time.

Until then, enjoy this picture and hope you're having a great weekend doing what you enjoy!


  1. Might be verbena bonariensis. Hard to tell from the pic, but you could google it and see.

    1. OMG, I think that IS what they are! I just googled it and yes they are indeed that. Too cool that they are just growing all over the place out there. Yet another reason I don't want to just have everything cleared away. I love that nature finds a way!

  2. I don't know what they are, but they're beautiful!

    1. They are pretty and do appear to be a variety of Verbena. Too neat!

  3. looks like verbena bonariensis=i love that verbena and have a hard time finding seeds!

    1. Yes, thank you for that, I googled it based on you and sb158's suggestion and I'm pretty sure that is it. I am going to check again when I go out there today and make sure. Maybe get some more photos. Then I'll see how to propagate them and if I can come up with a way, or figure out how to get seeds, I'll let you know.

  4. They beat me to it! I was going to say tThe weeds are just plants we don't know the use of, and now you know, so it's no longer a weed!

    1. Yep, you hit the nail on the head, I love that. Weeds are just plants we don't the use of...and it's no longer a weed! Too cool...

  5. Verbena bonariensis is a pretty plant and butterflies do like its nectar. It is a native to South America and is being added to invasive plant lists around the world. I understand why. A single plant tagged along when I moved to this house 8 years ago. The next thing I knew, it was reseeding and coming up everywhere. I pulled out all of the plants 3-4 years ago, but I still have several seedlings (hundreds) that pop up every year. I pull them out as soon as I recognize them and I have not allowed any to bloom, but the seeds in the soil keep sprouting. I now call this one a weed. It would be interesting to know how it found its way to your farm.

    1. Oh oh! It's back to being a weed, ha. I didn't realize they could be so invasive. I'll have to keep my eye on them. From a distance, they are pretty when you see a big field of them. I see some along the roadsides around the property, so I guess maybe birds? Wind? Not sure....thanks for the warning, I'll definitely keep my eye out for them springing up where I DON'T want them, ha.


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