
Monday, April 23, 2012


I noticed this on the property this weekend and it makes me just a little sad.

This is a spot where I had hoped to one day put an outdoor soaking tub (I blogged about that HERE).  These two trees were planted years ago at the same time and it created a perfect spot between the two.  However, in last years epic drought, the one on the left somehow survived, the one on the right is dead.  I held out hope it would come back, but alas, I checked it this weekend and it's definitely dead all the way through.  It's fascinating how two trees, within 10 feet of each other, the same age, getting the same amount of water, can have such different outcomes.  Perhaps one is of a better genetic stock than the other?

I realize of course, that I can still put my soaking tub here someday, but the balance will be "off" just a bit.  Plus I had grand plans for a canopy between the two trees, ha.  But I'm sure I'll figure out an alternative solution when the time comes, that's half the fun, right?

We (collectively Texas and a lot of the Southern part of the US) lost millions of trees last year.  There is a huge park in Houston, called "Memorial Park" and it alone has lost more than 10,000 trees.  When you have acreage, there is just no way to water it all.  You have to let nature take its course and keep your fingers crossed for some rain.


  1. an outdoor tub?
    my goodness if I had one it would be full of indian runner ducks

    1. Ha, taking a bath with a rubber ducky isn't a bad thing is it? Oh wait....LOL!

  2. I can now see the optimism of a Homesteader. Some may see a dead tree there. I see firewood. Wood to heat your soaking tub. Maybe I need to get out more ;)

    1. I love that! You are thinking exactly like I want to be thinking. I'm still new to all this but I really appreciate that suggestion. Make lemonade out of lemons eh? Ha. And you do not need to 'get out more', you have an amazing homestead, you need to just keep doing what you are doing, it's inspiring!

  3. That's too bad that the tree died :( but with the last year's drought it's not surprising.

    1. That drought was horrendous. I don't want to see that again anytime soon.

  4. Put in the soaking tub and replace the dead tree with a a large arbor reaching over the tub. Plant fast growing vines and WOW-la you have balance...sort of.

    1. Hey, great idea!! I might just be able to pull that off. Of course I'll need to clear the space around it first, but that will come soon enough. Thanks!!!

  5. Always sad to lose a tree but perhaps you can make a nice bench from the wood? I am sure over the coming months you will see alternative layouts and designs for the tub and canopy....

    1. Yes, the bench idea crossed my mind. Of course once i get the tree down, I'll have to see what i have to work with. There is something else I have in mind too...I'll have to see what I can pull off! Thank you for the suggestions!!

  6. That sucks about Memorial Park. It was so beautiful.


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