
Thursday, May 10, 2012


Photo from (via VonnieThe HappyHippy!)
Sometimes, we get unexpected inspiration from other places.  This photo was sent to me by Vonnie over at "The Happy Hippy", one of our very sweet readers.
Please be sure to check out her blog: CLICK HERE TO VISIT HER BLOG.

She found it while she was surfing the web for ideas and inspiration and was kind enough to think of me!  (THANK YOU!)

I love this image, everything about it just screams to me to do something similar.  From what I have learned, it's the Connecticut garden of Pamela Page.  It looks like is LOTS of work, but hey, nothing beautiful is ever accomplished without a little sweat equity, right?  Ironically, when I was looking at the area that I am slowly, but surely, clearing out for our future garden, I decided something simple and rectangular would be the easiest to work with...fence off a big squarish space and then start filling it in, a little at a time.

And here it is, almost pulled from my imagination.

Be back here tomorrow!  Have a great day!


  1. oh I just love this picture! beautiful rustic looking garden full of gorgeous blooms and greenery.

    1. isn't it pretty, I could just stare at it all day. :-)

  2. Great idea! I love the nice wide gate & isles for bringing in the tiller/mower/wheel barrow. Also looks like they have some sort of additional fencing to keep out rabbits & such. (If you have deer though they'll jump that easy.) Wish I had the TIME to have a garden! Looks wonderful.

    1. I love that about it too, not crowded, lots of room to move around with stuff. Sigh...

  3. Ha! This picture spent most of a winter as my screensaver.... I love it too. Doesn't that just look like the perfect way to spend a gorgeous day! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

    1. Oh my gosh that's too funny! I actually printed it out and put it on the fridge, ha. Yes, I could spend an entire day in a garden like that.

  4. I'm so very pleased to have been able to bring some inspiration : ) agree with Linda, some sort of reinforcement, such as rabbit-proof wire, will be necessary, but can also see a simple weathered gazebo right in the middle of that plot, with a couple of chairs, a little table and something cool in a jug.

    Thank for the kind words and the mention. Looking forward to the day when you are posting photos of your version of this wonderful space.

    1. You know, I spend the last few days looking at this picture and looking at my space. I did a little more surfind and found out this garden of hers is 90'x55'. She said in an article that it was just barren, rocky dirt when she had it fenced in. She thought it would overwhelm her at first (I can relate). But she soon filled every square inch and wanted more, ha. I'm thinking I need to start working the ground in our spot, and then fence it in and start from there, a few raised beds at a time. I think that's a great way of doing it. Stick around, you'll see something appear, slowly but surely! ha.

  5. I remember that picture from the magazine years ago it seems. It was an inspiration to me but I realized the fence had to be more efficient at keeping out critters. If you look at photos of my veg garden you will see I did keep it in mind. Mine is just not as big a space.

    1. I checked out yours and you're right, too cool. by the way, your whole yard is incredibly beautiful. Nicely done! Yes, the fence would need a bit more critter proofing, ha.

  6. It's absolutely wonderful, like a dream garden. It may be lots of work but can you imagine the satisfaction, peace and tranquility and simple joy working in a garden like that? I love it.

    1. Yes, that what I loved about it, it just seemed like you could step out there, take a deep breath and relax in peace and quiet. We can dream can't we? ;-)

  7. It looks like heaven to me.

    1. Absolutely!!! What a way to spend a day huh?

  8. Ha! Ha! This was MY screensaver last year (great minds, Sue)! I love this garden! I so want my garden to look exactly like this...

    1. Too funny! If I put that on my screensaver at work, people would ask me if that was my garden, ha.

      How cool would it be to have a garden that so many people want to put up an image of as an inspiration for themselves? Of course, sometimes the farm seems so overwhelming to me and I see all of y'alls beautiful gardens and yards and it's inspiring to me to get things done.


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