
Tuesday, May 1, 2012


If you are a regular reader of the blog, you know that we have this great Mesquite tree that, because of it's old, gangly appearance, it just really seemed like it needed a name.  It's the area I've been working on and we call it "the party tree" or "the dinner/picnic tree".  Somehow, it needed a name:

So, without further ado, introducing "BARNABAS"!

Yes, as in that Barnabas.

A couple of weeks ago, Jonathan Frid, the actor who played the iconic vampire Barnabas Collins in the original series Dark Shadows, passed away.  Here in a couple more weeks, a remake is coming out starring Johnny Depp in the role of the very same vampire.  So when I was out there this weekend, working on the yard and clearing the area under the tree, I was thinking of movies and it struck me that it seemed to be a pretty cool name for an old tree with such character.  With Dark Shadows in the news so much lately, it's almost like the tree just named itself.

I know the character is a vampire but the tree doesn't have to be a scary thing.  In fact, when we get the table in, the area around it cleared and planted with some new plants, some lights in the branches, it will be a pretty cool space, with good old Barnabas right in the middle, watching over things.

What about you?  I know we all name our animals, but have you ever named a feature in your yard?  Be it a tree, or a cool plant or some rocks or something similar?  Or maybe you named a favorite appliance or tool?


  1. yes, it looks as though it could have been directly transported from a horror film set!

    now I love the fact you love The Poseidon Adventure
    it is my 2ND most fav movie!

    1. It does doesn't it? I always thought it looks like it should talk, like those trees in H.R. Pufnstuf (wow, did I just date myself? LOL).

      Of course, it was when I was a child that I fell in love with Poseidon Adventure (and Towering Inferno, and Earthquake, and all those other great early disaster movies, ha).

  2. I love beautiful old trees. . .and often photograph them just for my collection. Your space is going to be amazing. . .way to go. . .

    And yes. . .we call our RV and Big Truck. . .Beauty and the Beast. . .


    1. Old trees have a character all their own don't they? That's what I love about this one. I'm sure there are some more on the property just waiting to be discovered, and named, ha. Thanks for the kind words.

      And I love "Beauty and the Beast" as names, that's awesome! :-)

  3. I would KILL to have a cool looking tree like Barnabas in my yard. Great pictures! The only thing we "named" was our old 13 year old pickup truck. She's "The Beater".

    1. Ha, thanks. He does have a personality all his own. Love your truck name too. Too funny.

  4. Oh, oh, oh! There is a definite, perfect, absolutely and impossibly ideal spot at the base of that tree for a secret door - lucky you :)

    And also perfect for hiding an Easter Egg in next year...

    1. I was HOPING you'd notice that!! I got the idea from your blog posting about it. I totally will make a door for that. I'll see if I can get a good closeup picture this weekend and share it. It's SO totally perfect, that's why when I saw your post I about fell off my chair and thought "I know exactly where to do that!". Now I just need to sharpen up my woodworking skills, ha. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  5. I think Barnabas fits your tree very well. Love it! One day when we actually have trees, we'll have to think up names for the most distinguished ones.

    1. Thanks for that! Yeah, he didn't seem to be a Michael or Eric, ha. Yes, with probably hundreds of trees on the property, I won't name them all of course, but as you said, the more 'distinguished' ones. They need to be name worthy, LOL!

  6. I love it! I think it's perfect! :-)

    1. Thanks, I was hoping people wouldn't think it was too strange, ha.

  7. Does your mesquite tree produces pods? If so, you harvest them? I bought a pound of mesquite flour on Amazon the other week and paid a huge premium for it. I'm dying to try my hand at making mesquite flour tortillas.

    1. oh my gosh, too funny you mentioned that. Yes, it does produce pods in the fall and it's covered in them. Not to mention our property has literally DOZENS of mequite trees (albeit smaller than this one) that all do the same. Anyway, the other day I was doing some research on edible wild things in this part of the country and stumbled across mesquite flour!

      I had no idea! Awesome idea. Please let me know if you make them and let us know how they came out. I am thinking of researching the drying/grinding process and trying that out this Fall. Maybe I'll have to start a mesquite flour waiting list, ha.


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