
Thursday, June 21, 2012


Garden Chair, courtesy of:
Sigh.  Yes, it's hot.  Yes it's humid.  But how pretty would it be to sit in this chair and enjoy these flowers?  We all need to take a bit to stop and smell the roses, or view the flowers as the case may be.

OK, so my hat wouldn't look like this one, but I do love the wicker chair.  It's got a vintage style that looks so cool in the middle of all those flowers.  I think even in the heat I'd have to stop and sit for a moment (with a cold drink of course!).

Have a good day and I'll be back to the blog tomorrow morning.


  1. I agree the hat is a bit much even tho I'm a Brit and we love our hats. I'm halfway thru painting my deck so the chair is making me whimper.

    1. Ha, too funny! Thanks as always for stopping by. I hope your deck gets finished so you can enjoy it! :-)

  2. Replies
    1. I think that's what drew me to the picture. I just love random varieties of flowers like that.

  3. I think if you pull the fabric off you could pull off wearing that hat, LOL, Love old chairs in the garden whether they are there to sit on or just imagine sitting there.

    1. Ha, perhaps. Actually I have a hat not too unlike that (maybe not as floppy looking) that I got in Mexico several years ago.

  4. One day I am going to pick a spot in my yard and just plant willy-nilly in hopes that I can achieve that beautiful mix of "wild" flowers. Your Thursday posts really are inspiring. :)

    1. Awww, thanks! It's like my own little "pinterest". I think that's what I'll end up doing, just plant , throw down seed, and see what comes up. Hey, then we can stick a chair in the middle of it, lol.

  5. There's a very tall umbrella in that scene just out of camera range. I like the hat, but you are right, it's not you. <3

  6. so pretty. i'd like to sit in that chair and read or crochet.

    1. I don't crochet, but I'd definitely be right there reading too, ha. In the Fall of course, lol.

  7. I love this little spot! I'm trying to create a similar one but my wild flowers are only just sprouting...maybe by August I'll have a similar scene...

    1. Hey, it should be worth the wait! Please post pictures on your blog when you do!! Hope you are covered in flowers.


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