
Wednesday, June 13, 2012


No, this isn't a tableau on an end table or something.  It's the three fun finds from my afternoon of thrift store running around yesterday.

We need a large mirror above the dresser in the guest room.  Have you priced "new" mirrors lately?  Yikes.  $50 and up!  For a mirror that won't get used on a regular basis?  No thanks.  So I walked into the first store and found this one for the whopping total of $5.00!  I think you can still see the price written in the corner of the mirror.  My plan of course is to paint it. I'm thinking pale yellow or pale green, to match the guest room.  Now that I have some time on my hands, this should be an easy project.

Then I found another large basket (I know, do we NEED another one?), that we're going to add to OUR COLLECTION in the farm kitchen.  I can see this one filled with biscuits or muffins (or something equally good).  $1.00!

Lastly, I found this clay wine bottle cooler (bottle of wine wasn't included, that was ours).  What you do is soak it in cold water and then you put your bottle of wine inside.  The evaporation causes cooling which in turn keeps the temperature of your bottle nice and cool.  $2.50!

Total spent:  $8.50 + tax.  I love a bargain!

I'm off to the farm today to do some painting of that mirror (and another one), install some doorknobs, hang some curtain rods, and work on a couple of other projects too.  Update later today!


  1. Yay you! Awesome finds. Mirrors are sooo expensive. I never buy new--always thrift. I love the wine bottle cooler. If you like how that works you should check out the Zeer flower pot. You can make your own mini refrigerator without electricity by using 2 clay pots, sand and water. it is the coolest thing ever! No pun intended, haha!

    1. WOW, that video is so cool. Makes me wonder, could you built a clay house, line it with sand and wet the roof? LOL! Seriously, that's pretty awesome, I might just have to try that out. How cool would it be at a party to have "cold drinks" in pots like that around the porch? Heaven knows I have a zillion clay pots I could use.

  2. :) We were drinking some bubbly last night ourselves in the sunroom. Made me think of you guys.

    1. Aww, thanks! I love some bubbly on occasion! There is a wine we love that is called Vinho Verde, a 'green' white wine that has bubbles. It's our favorite on a hot summer day. Jealous of your sunroom, though I suppose the dining room at the farm could be considered a sunroom, ha.

  3. I love the local thrift store or Goodwill store too! Wouldn't you know I went out to the garden this morning and forgot to bring something to carry the produce back to the house! I've got to put a basket by the door to remind myself. Thanks for reminding me! I hope you'll post what you do with the mirror. I would love to see the final results. Good luck with all your "to do's". Stay cool.

    1. Aren't they fun? I love garage sales and stuff too, but thrift stores are sometimes where you can find the little things that you aren't expecting. You should take a good basket that works for carrying back the garden haul and tie a ribbon on it that makes it THE garden basket. That way it has to go back into it's spot by the door. maybe you could hang it by the door? Just a random thought.

      Mirror was painted, nothing fancy, just a color that looks good in the room and then it was hung on the wall. I'll post pics tomorrow afternoon.

      Ugh, it was HOT! Most of my stuff was "inside", ha.

  4. Replies
    1. Right place at the right time I guess, ha. I often wonder what I'm MISSING when I'm not there, or what JUST came in while I was walking out. It's easy to obsess about it. I figure whatever I'm meant to have will be there when I go. Like that mirror. I needed one and there it was. ;-)

  5. The wine cooler is a fantastic find! I get my mirrors at the thrift shop or yard sales...I have a super one in the Outhouse up at the leaf: ooh la la!

    1. You know I never thought about looking for mirrors there, but then when I did, the right one popped up! I'll have to remember that.

      I love that you have a gold leaf mirror in an outhouse, ha. Too cute!

  6. i can't wait to see the finished painted mirrors and where you choose to hang them! the wine cooler is just awesome - but i have no need for one as the only wine i drink is's the only alcohol i drink at all! and i am thinking that the baskets on top of the yellow hutch are going to need re-arranging to fit the new one....looking forward to an updated pic! and more pics of your land! like all of it! take us on a tour!

    your friend,

    1. No white wine? I don't know what I'd do without some of my favorite whites, ha.

      I was able to fit the basket on the top of the hutch and it was fine but it's funny, when 2nd Man came out and saw it he said it was great and he was happy and then he added "I think we're good we don't any more". Party pooper! :-)

      More pics coming randomly!


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