
Wednesday, June 6, 2012


In between doing some stuff outside in the heat (and let me tell you, it is HOT out there), I come in to cool off and find something inside to do.  So here is yesterday's project. I got all of this stuff from storage, except the plant of course, ha.  The print is one that my parents always had hanging up wherever we moved, so it holds special memories.  This little cabinet was painted and distressed a few years ago by a friend of my Mom's.  Unfortunately, I broke one of the handles on the drawer while moving it, but it's fine, I can find some replacements.  I think I kind of want something different anyway, maybe glass.  Everything else just fit so perfectly.  In addition to the storage we'll have in the two drawers, I found a basket for underneath to use for more storage.  Let's see, what else...the doily we had in storage, the brown ceramic jar with lid was my Grandmother's, the glass coasters were a thrift store find, and the beige crocheted throw was in storage but I have no idea where it came from, ha.  The plant was on my desk at the office, so it was one of the things I brought home last week.  It's great how pieces from different places and sources all come together.  I told 2nd Man that this one little spot that took me about 30 minutes to put together looks like it's been this way for years.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, it's cute huh? My Mom's friend did was an old oak nightstand but was not in the best of shape, so she stained it or colorwashed it with a green/yellow tint and then painted some sunflowers on there. It's very cute and just fits PERFECTLY in that room. It even brings in the yellow that we want to have in there as an accent color.

  2. You know, maybe you should give up on finding a job in the insurance industry and work as a free lance decorator! I'd hire you in a minute. That corner is picture perfect, straight out of the pages of BH&G.

  3. Your little vignette looks great. ..way to go!


    1. And ditto to you, very sweet. Thanks much it makes me feel good, like I accomplished something good, ha.

  4. I'm with annies granny, that's just beautiful, looks like a magazine picture like she said. Nice job. Hey, if it's too hot outside, there's always something to do inside huh? Keep sharing, I can't speak for everyone, but i enjoy seeing what you do.

    1. And thank YOU. too Very nice of you. Yes, it's SO hot outside now down here that I'll spend more time inside and it's still as much a work in progress as the outside is, ha. I'll keep sharing!!


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