
Saturday, June 16, 2012


Here is the mirror I found for use in the master bedroom.  This color wood, while nice in other rooms, wasn't going to work for the blue and black color scheme in the bedroom.  The first thing I did was cover up the mirror portion to keep paint off of it.

Here it is, freshly spray painted a dark navy blue.  I used a couple of coats, and this is the almost end result.  I let it dry for about an hour and then it was ready for hanging...

...and here is the finished mirror hanging on the wall. It originally hung horizontally, so I had to change the hanging wire on the back to make it vertical.  I think it came out pretty good!  It's above a small chest of drawers that is currently green but in a few days, the next project on my list is to repaint that.  Should look pretty cool with the rest of the furniture in the room.  I also painted a small table the same color blue, just forgot to get pictures of that.  Will get those this weekend while I'm out there.


Here is the second mirror, the $5 thrift store find from the other day that I blogged about.  I did the same thing, covered the mirror portion to keep the paint off and then  spray painted it.  I chose a kind of yellow green that was a good match to the guest room colors.

...and here is the mirror hanging on the wall in the guest room.  Once again it came out exactly as I had hoped.  The color is a nice compliment to the yellow of the furniture.  You can't see in this picture but there is a quilt on the end of the bed that has some of the same color green.

The dresser top decor on each is not complete, they are a sort of work in progress with just a few things sitting on top.  For the master bedroom, I'm waiting to get the chest of drawers painted to see what colors need to be on top of it.  The guest room dresser top will be next week's project too.

Using spray paint for these two projects was great and so easy. I didn't even prep the wood first.  Not sure if you are supposed to do it that way, but they were clean and not that "glossy", so I figured what the heck, if I mess it up, I'll just do it over.  They both came out nicely.  I'll have a review of the paint I used later in the week, one was a mess, the other was awesome.  


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. I love repurposing, reusing stuff like this. Giving new life to something discarded or something someone else didn't want, it always fun.

  2. I love both colors. The green is what I'm thinking of for the walls in my bedroom. I'm telling you. We are brother and sister separated at birth!!!

    1. Ha, that's funny! I bet a shade like that on the wall would be very pretty....Sis! LOL!

  3. Love them both but green is my favorite color, all shades. Good job!

    1. Thank you! Green in any shade is a great color.

  4. as everyone else has said - both of the mirrors look great and seem to complement the rooms that they are in (i think we need more pics of the rooms as well as a tour through the whole house!!!). i have enjoyed all of the pics that you have posted of the inside of the place but would love to see more. oh and more pics of the table and dresser that you are planning on painting! i love pics - teehee!

    your friend,

    1. More pics coming soon. I think since you started following us later in the process you missed some photos I've already posted. Look over on my word cloud on the side and click on remodeling and/or interior decorating, you'll find some more pics (including what it looked like before we started on the process). But I'll have new pics soon too, no worries!!

  5. Love the cover for the dresser top. I use to do embroidery about 100 years ago and even tho I'm told 'it's old fashioned' I love that kind of stuff and it keeps things looking so nice. I second the 'tour' of the home idea

    1. I hear ya! I found that dresser top cover in a box of stuff from my Grandmother. No matter what I do to the top of the dresser as far as decoration, I'll leave the dresser cover. Tours coming soon!

  6. I enjoy seeing the projects for the house. Both mirrors look great, but the green one is my favorite, probably because of that nice embroidery that shows up in the picture!

    1. Ha, thanks. The embroidery is from my Grandmother, I will definitely keep that on top (plus it hides some flaws in the top of the dresser). Thanks!!!

  7. Nothing less than I've come to expect of you.....perfection!

  8. Both mirrors look super. Love the colors. I rarely use spray paint, but think maybe I ought to give it a try. Definitely looks better than brushed on.

    1. It was a whole new experience for me too. I'm going to use it for a big piece soon. I'll post about how it works and give details on what paint I used. Thank you again!! Stay tuned!!


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