
Tuesday, June 26, 2012


This is a view from where we park the car, looking back down the driveway.  It's a long way down the driveway to the road.  We own from the fence line on the right side of the driveway, over to off camera left. That area by the fence line is the back pasture of 2nd Family, they live on a section up toward the front. Notice all is freshly mowed, LOL!

Here I just turned around from where the car was parked and I had just taken the picture of the driveway, this is toward the back.  The house is obviously there on the left, and that tree on the right is Barnabas, the party tree.  Off camera, to the left, is the front yard, and to the right of where I'm standing is the future garden site.
More tours coming!


  1. I love guided tours like these..... gives you some indication of where's where so to speak... are you going to post a couple of photos of yourselves too?

    1. I do like sharing that, and seeing it from others as well. The world is a fascinating place, that's for sure.

      We might have a pic or two one of these days. ;-)

  2. Haha Barnabas. Love the land. Nothing like a fresh mowed expanse

    1. Yep, "Barnabas" is the tree formerly known as "the party tree", ha. It's also right next to the tree of snakes, LOL!

      Yes, freshly mowed is always nice.

  3. Looks so peaceful!

    And mown!

    1. Ha it is peaceful that's for sure. It's very relaxing to look at when it is mowed. When it's not, I feel like I'm overwhelmed, LOL.

  4. oh - the awesome mowing just took my breath away - bahahahahahah! oh i love the tours and i love seeing other people's property! i really love Barnabus - he is soooo gorgeous!!!! i can't wait for more pics!

    did i mention the awesome mowing???? bahahahahahahahah! your friend,

    1. Ha, you so crazy!!!! ;-) Yes more pics coming. And next time I go out and it's not so hot I'm dying of heat stroke, I'll get some close up pics of interesting plants and trees and flowers, you know, like a certain Canadian I know.

      Lots to mow huh? Ha.

  5. Absolutely gorgeous! I am incredibly envious of all your space!

    1. Awww, thanks!!! it's a lot of space (hence the reason at times I feel overwhelmed with all there is to do, lol). But it will be a great journey. Thanks again! You are very kind!

  6. When I build the tiny house on wheels and decide to 'snow-bird' it, I see a good spot right in that yard of yours already!

    1. LOL, come on down! I might fight over your tiny house on wheels, ha. Put a solar panel on top and we'll find you a spot! ha.

  7. Beautiful,beautiful property! I love the openness of it; where I live we tend to feel closed in by all the trees. I never minded it til I became a gardener. But now, I see a place like yours and oh, do I covet! Thanks for sharing the view!

    1. That's funny, I sometimes long for lots of trees! I guess this is a good balance, we have open space and then groups of trees. Not necessarily "pretty" trees, but I suppose trees are trees, ha. Thanks for stopping by as always!!

  8. So lovely! There is a drop of happiness in every lil piece of grass! I am just sure of it ! :)

    1. I like that! "A drop of happiness in every piece". Yep, I reckon there is, ha. Thank you!!

  9. It is so beautiful, I love it. You must never be off that mower of yours! I'm with John, photos of you next.

    1. Aww, thanks! Believe it or not, I can get all of that mowed in about an hour and a half. More photos coming!

  10. After all, I've been naked on my blog!

    1. Hmm, I was there, I must have missed that! LOL!


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