
Saturday, June 30, 2012


Graphic courtesy of
Today was a stormy day.  This is just one radar loop of the storms that moved through the area today.  I went to the farm, 2nd Man had to work from home for awhile, and I got there hoping to spend some time on the BGZM (Big Green Zen Machine, i.e. John Deere).  Alas, I pulled up just as it started sprinkling.  I did some stuff around the inside, then I checked the radar and it was getting worse and getting closer, so I decided to head back into town.

Will give it another go 'round tomorrow.  Hope you are staying dry in your location this weekend.  Hey, one advantage to the bad weather, our high today was only 92 degrees.  Hey, we'll take what we can get!


  1. It was 106 degrees, dry, and stifling today. I'm sorry you had to omit the zen machine, but glad for you about the rain! Our grass makes crinkly sounds when we walk on it, it's so dry.

    1. The grass was starting to get crunchy for us too. I think it was the weeds I needed to mow, lol. But yes, the rain is a good thing all the way around, especially after last year when we went months, literally, without rain. Hey, maybe I'll have MORE grass to mow, there could be worse things, ha.

  2. Only 92 degrees! Yikes, that was our temp today and we thought we were really suffering! Hope the storms treated you gently.

    1. yeah, "only" 92, ha. For us we all stand around and go 'wow, it's kind of nice today', ha. The storms were gentle, as long as we were inside relaxing and not out in it, ha.


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