
Sunday, June 10, 2012


Eat Greens for Health, photo courtesy of: (Imperial War Museum)
This is another nice poster.  It too comes from WWII and is from the British version of the US Victory Garden campaign, "Dig For Victory".  Of course the message here is to eat more greens to be healthier, and obviously that would mean growing them at home during the war.

This poster kind of reminds me of our "Got Milk" campaign.  Or "Pork, the other White Meat".  Funny though that you don't see campaigns for things like vegetables.  This could be used today without changing anything.

Awesome poster.  And yes, we love greens, just had some yesterday and there are some in the fridge for tonight!

Enjoy and as always, you can click on the history tag below and see all the ones I've posted over the last year.


  1. i love all these posters you find!

    1. Thanks, I usually spend a few hours a month looking on lots of websites for posters. It's amazing how many there were. Stay tuned! :-)

  2. Makes you think that if we are going to subsidize ag industry it out to be the fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that make us healthier. Instead of the lobbied distortion currently enacted. :) Right, 1st man?

    From Third Shift Man

    1. You know, that's a good point. The lobbyists for the pork, beef, milk, etc, industries must have much deeper pockets than the lobbyists for grains and veggies. Interesting and makes you wonder what is behind that? I wonder if there even IS a lobbying group for the latter?

      Of course, the whole topic of lobbying is another issue, but IF we're going to have it, why can't we have it for more vegetables and fruits and grains, the things that would make everyone healthier in the long run.

  3. LOVE this poster!! This needs to materialize out of thin air every time someone buys processed junk food. I really enjoy all the posters you post. :o) So cool!!

    1. Ha that would be cool huh? Thank you for the comments, I've got lots more saved to post for the future.

  4. I loved browsing through your posts. We've been watching food documentaries in order to educate ourselves. I'm so thankful that my family has really been interested in eating healthier and staying away from processed foods. I love growing our vegetables and it really is miraculous the amount of food you can get from just one seed. I enjoyed seeing your inspiration photos and can imagine your land having those gardens. You're already on your way. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you for those nice words! I've been doing the same at your great blog! I'm amazed that one tiny seed can provide so much food as well. It's pretty cool huh? Thank you for the wishes, we're slowly on our way but I have to remind myself the house hasn't even been finished for 6 months (and still not ENTIRELY finished) so we have time. I'm just one of those instant gratification people that wants it done now, ha. Thanks again!!!


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