
Sunday, June 3, 2012


Here is my big Green Zen Machine, after using it today and giving it a fresh cleaning before riding it to it's storage shed.  I just can't explain how much I enjoy mowing with this.  The biggest part of it is just riding around the property, especially when I'm keeping the trails mowed.  It's less about mowing and more about planning, observing, exploring and daydreaming.  It's definitely a great way to clear your head.

I saw my first bunnies today!  No way to get a picture, LOL, but I rounded the corner on the trail by The Two Sisters and a bunny jumped out of the bushes and ran across the path.  I stopped and sat there for a moment looking for it and then another smaller one hopped out the other direction.  Too cute.

I'm making my mental list for this week.

For tomorrow, I'm going to get up like I was going to work and drive to the storage units (we have two) that have all the stuff from my parents and the stuff we've saved over the years.  It's something I've been wanting to do, and now is as good a time as ever.  I will inventory it and most likely find all sorts of fun stuff we can use at the farm.  When my Mom passed, I was in such an autopilot mode in packing up her stuff, it was just put in storage and there it has sat.  Then we have all the stuff we've put up waiting to have a garage sale before we bought the farmhouse.  It's like my very own thrift store!  I need to go through it all and I hope to find a bunch of stuff we can use.

Then I have my yard list of things to do.  Do you know I still haven't planted all the fruit trees?  I've got a few in the ground but the rest are still in the city, so I can keep them watered and keep my eye on them, but I have to let go and just plant them and I've got some ideas for keeping them watered.  Then the flower beds are still not finished, and I need to get the plants for them (of course they'll need to be tilled again till).  Then there is an old overgrown flower bed around a tree that I want to get cleaned up.  And some more cleaning up of the party tree area.  And of course, last, but by no means least, working on the future garden site.  Still have a couple of small 'trash trees' to remove from there, then I can plan some fencing and see what I can create out of there.

Hey, it will all be a nice workout, that's for sure, and at least I have a cool place to go in and relax.  Just have to make sure there isn't too much relaxing, ha.


  1. You men and your riding machines. I always said if they made a riding sweeper that I would never have to do that chore again. I might get my Husband to sweep twice a day!

    1. Now THAT is funny! Hey, a riding vacuum, riding sweeper, you might just be on to something!! :-)

  2. I loved my lawn tractor when I lived on the farm! It's definitely a zen machine!

    1. It really becomes zen when you get into the zone and you find yourself mowing patterns into the yard, ha. I take my iPod just in case, but most of the of time I just lose myself in thought without the musical interlude.

  3. I'll share alittle something with you...I love my mower too, until its Septemebr and I am still mowing twice a week cause of all the rain I begged for and finally got amd then my mantra becomes "mow is me" Yes you may use that.

    1. You know, we just bought this a couple months ago, and it's hot now but now "August hot" so yeah, shoot me a note later this Summer and let's see if it's still a love affair, LOL!

  4. It was so good to see you and to meet 2nd man. I love how happy you are! Love to you both and thanks for coming to meet us!

    1. DITTO! It was too short but worth every minute! Love to you as well!!

  5. RMan and 1st Man and their mowers...!

    Maybe it's time to sort out your storage once and for all. Then you can take what you think you'd like to keep, and upcycle the balance - you never know who might want what you don't need. And you'll score some extra in the bank and not have to pay for the storage anymore at the same time :)

    Precious memories you have inside - physical items - you either want or don't. Your mom and dad would be the first to understand and give you their blessing as you let their excess possessions go.

    1. Wow, thank you for that, very kind words. You are so very right. I spend a few hours today, sorted some stuff into sell, donate, and keep piles. Found some great stuff to use at the farm and some stuff that might make us some money and some nice stuff to give away.

      Thanks again. :-)

  6. Sounds like you have been having moments of "centered". We saw a very tiny bunny curled up and hiding in the corn/bean patch just the other day as well. Oh, and we have a dove nesting in our gutter by the garage, too. :D

    1. What a nice way of putting it...yes, very centered. They are nice moments huh?

  7. I recently got back into mowing and rediscovered the fun of it. For the next couple of days we're getting much-needed rain, and then there will be much-needed mowing :-) I don't mind at all. I know what you mean about planning and observing, too. It's like housecleaning -- you start noticing what is in the way, what needs to be moved, what should be moved OUT.

    1. Exactly!! I was thinking that same thing. I would ride around and go "hmmm, that should be trimmed, that should be cut down, that would be a great spot for...." The only think I found is I might need to bring a notepad along with me, ha!

  8. Great time to be sorting and advertising things on ebay or craigslist. Time to move on and let others love the things you can't use anymore. You could also go to farmer's markets and get produce to can or dry. My daughter, a cop in austin, recently arrested 23 senior students who among their stash had mushrooms. I asked her where the kids would get the mushies and she said "they go into the fields and get them out of the patties". See, another job you could do.

    1. Yep, I'm thinking craigslist or eBay. Made several stacks today. Still have LOTS to do, but since the storage unit is sort of "on the way" to the farm, I'm going to stop by for a couple hours every day this week.

      Too funny about the mushrooms! I love mushrooms but not THOSE kinds, ha.

  9. Maybe it is time. Now you can give your mind and your heart the task of sorting and saying goodbye to some things and rediscover things that will keep her in your memory; I know she's in your heart forever. I miss your Mom too.

    1. Thank you. She is missed, but I'm feeling her presence in the farmhouse, so much of her stuff is there and it makes us feel good.

  10. I want a Zen Machine to ride and mow with too!


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