
Monday, July 23, 2012


So this weekend was mowing weekend.  After almost 3 weeks of rain, the yard was out of control.  Here it is as a work in progress, you can see the difference in before and after.  We also did some tree trimming.
After about an hour and a half, I had the area around the house done and it was time to tackle the trails and fence line.  Here is an example of the fence line before I mowed. It doesn't look too bad but that's about a foot tall.  Side note, frogs EVERYWHERE.  Must be all the rain and tall grass.  I tried to stop where I could and let the move away.

...and here it is after.  Much nicer and easy to walk.  It's always nice to keep the fence line cleared so we can make sure nothing is wrong with it, lest we end up with the neighbor's cattle in our yard.

Here is the front yard, looking nice once again.  I still need to do some edging around the trees and along the back pasture fence line, but it looks ten times better than it did before.  If we don't get rain again, I'll have to start watering a bit just to keep it looking halfway nice.

This view is looking down the driveway toward the house, from the gate at 2nd Family's end of the property.  All mowed and neat.  The tree debris there on the left side is from that tree trimming that and was on its way to the future burn pile.

And here is why it was an expensive mowing adventure.  Apparently, a tiny rock, shooting out from the mower at some point, hit the car window and cracked it!  To make matters worse, it is 2nd Man's new car.  Oops!  He was nice about it but I'm sure I'll hear about it again, ha.  We checked and it will be under the deductible but still cost a couple of hundred dollars.  Sigh.

I guess I need to be more careful on the big green zen machine.  With great power comes great responsibility, LOL!


  1. Ooops--well, at least they were understanding.

    We have no lawn to mow--it is completely brown and crisp now. I don't know if that's good or bad---I hate mowing.

    1. I love mowing actually, but that's cause I'm still having fun on my John Deere, ha. The new hasn't rubbed off yet, lol. But we had brown and crisp all last summer too. I can relate. I'm kind of glad we have some green to be able to mow and justify buying the mower, HA!

  2. Oh No!! I am quite sure SM will remind you. OOPS!!

    1. Oh yes...I've been reminded. Pretty much daily. :-)

  3. Looks more like vandals attacked him on the way home, I doubt your mower did it.

  4. Ouch! Too bad. Didn't you hear it when it happened or is the Green Zen machine pretty loud?

    1. Nope, never heard it. Of course it is loud...and I had my iPod earbuds in listening to some Adele, ha.

  5. 2nd will always from now on say to you, " 1st, remember that time you broke my car window." :) Mowed lawns look nice, so does natural landscaping. Do you have a plan for the mowed areas or just had an itch to mow things??

    1. Yes, most definitely I will be reminded. :-)

      I had to mow it was just looking too wild. I do like natural landscaping, and I would like to gradually incorporate more natives and perennials. The less grass the better is fine with me. Then I figure I can eat up space with other things. One big area is what I want for the garden site. Then I'll eat up some more of it with the fruit trees, and some more with a small barn, and stuff like that.

  6. yep - yer in for it buddy! but please keep trying to give those frogs a chance - they are eating a ton of bugs that would bite the crap out of you and 2nd Man!

    your friend,

    1. Yes, i probably avoided at least two dozen little frogs. I try not to think about the ones I didn't see but the grass was just so tall. It was after I had shorter areas where I could see them occasionally hop from the tall grass. I gave the ones I could a chance! Now go eat those bugs little guys!

  7. LOL. I'm always afraid of that happening since we have a gravel driveway. Always make sure your discharge faces AWAY from the vehicles as you mow. I am very aware of this especially as I mow along our road.

    Send some rain this way. We have the drought you had last year and our farmers are hurting. I will actually mow tomorrow, for the first time in a month, only because the weeds don't have a problem growing with now water. :(

    1. Oooh, good point. I did just sort of mow all around the car in different directions. I need to remember that. Thank you. Yes, our drought has indeed moved to other parts of the country. I'm sorry, hope rain comes soon. And yes, weeds are like cockroaches, they survive anything!

  8. That sure looks like the rock hit with quite a whack. Rather the window than the hood or side. Repairing a dent and repainting would be more costly. Our Chucky throws up gravel when he races after his ball. Guess we will be more careful about this as we often find gravel on our vehicles.

    1. Yes, that's exactly what I said! Better than the paint and/or a dent. I think it was a tiny little star type break and then after sitting in the sun/heat all afternoon, it spread. Sigh. Oh well. Such is the perils of country living huh? If that's our worst problem, that's not so bad right??

  9. It's so nice to sit down afterwards and survey a neatly mowed, except for the car. Can you fit in a couple of tall shrubs next to the parking area, for a little protection from flying gravel?

    1. Ha, so true! I felt a real sense of accomplishment, um, until we saw that when we got ready to leave. D'oh!

      As for parking that would be a good idea, if we had a parking area decided yet, ha. We just sort of pull up and park. I suppose it might be time to start designating a parking area, not only for us but guests eventually too. Then some bushes are a great idea!! Or shade trees that would do the same and give some cool shade. Great ideas!! Thanks!

  10. You might even want to park and walk up from Second Family's house if it's mowing day?

    At work we had this happen twice in successive weeks, one if them my assistant, the other my boss. I felt like I was dodging a bullet.

    Even though 2M loves you a lot, he might not let you forget it; he's only human.

    1. Not a bad thought! As long as R isn't mowing himself, ha. J said the same thing has happened to them. I guess it's inevitable at some point.

      Yes, I'm sure I will be reminded. Repeatedly. LOL!


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