
Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Blue dresser closeup
You know I recently painted this little cabinet using spray paint.  Then I found the right perfect knobs for it and it's all set up now.  Here it is pretty much complete.  I found a nice scarf/runner we had in storage to put on the top.  I think it adds a bit of contrast to the dark blue.  Then I put a bowl on top for loose change, throwing wallets in, etc.  It's not the final bowl I want, but it will do for now.  Then I put some purple flowers on there for a different color but still in the same color family.  Not sure if I'll keep the container brown.  I might paint it white or add some detail on the outside to make it more interesting
Blue dresser mirror combo
Here you can see it from another angle, from down at the foot of the bed.  The door on the left is the closet, the door on the right is the bathroom.  Above the dresser you can see the mirror I painted the same color a couple of weeks ago. It actually makes it look like both pieces were supposed to be together.

For those of you wondering what those are above the mirror, below is a bit more of a closeup.  I mounted these vintage wooden propellers that belonged to my Dad.  He loved flying and all things airplane related.  Somewhere over the years, he found these two and always had them hanging on the wall in his workshop no matter where we moved to.  I'm thinking we might use that as a theme of sorts in the master bedroom.  I figured I'd continue the tradition.  After all, blue and white does sort of equate to sky and clouds, correct?
Vintage propellers as wall art


  1. the dresser and mirror look perfect! but i am with you on adding some detail to the brown vase...maybe a splash or two of white or blue on it? but keep the majority of the vase brown as i like how it contrasts to the propellers. i looooove the propellers!

    your friend,

    1. Thank you! I was thinking of something on the vase in a color. I kind of thought too that it picks up on the brown floor too. Thanks for the props for the props (LMAO, I crack myself up!).

    2. bahahahahahahaha! yer a nutter!

  2. Oh wow, that's SO nice! I love love love the color and I love how you have a contrast of the flowers, which are soft and add a splash of color, and the propellers which are a great conversation piece. How neat. You are talented in pulling stuff together, I'm never good at that, haha. Nice job and the knobs were perfect, but then again, I expect nothing less, ha. Keep up the good work.

    1. Awww, thanks! Yes, I like the unexpected in a vignette like that. And the propellers give us a nice touch of that. Yes, the knobs were my favorite find, they just were spot on perfect. Thanks for your kind words. It's all a work in progress.

  3. Very cool. Make the container yellow. Nice and bright but still coordinates.

    1. LOL, great minds, yellow was a color I was thinking of. I am deciding between accent on the brown, or totally different color, like yellow. I'll be sure and post what I do.

  4. I think a nice stenciled motif in white, blue and yellow on the container (then "aged" to look vintage) would be awesome. I love the propellers. Such a unique focal point and a wonderful memory to boot. And the dresser and mirror are absolutely perfect together! How about a nice silver dish on the dresser?

    1. Other than a solid color as I mentioned above, in my mind I was thinking of a stencil pattern that mimicked the design on the knobs/bedding. A silver dish is a good idea. I was thinking of cobalt glass or a blue and white dish, but silver would be nice too. Thanks!!

  5. I didn't care much for the brown vase, until I noticed the brown propellers....then it all fit together! If the vase must be changed, you could "antique" it with some dark blue stain, wiping most of it back off. Actually, I wouldn't change a thing.

    1. Oooh, I could combine a stencil as I mentioned above with some stain that I wipe off. Not a bad idea! Ha, wait, now you say don't change a thing. Decisions decisions, lol. Thanks for your kind words!

  6. great job on the dresser, love the propellers, the vase and the bowl you can rotate different ones in and out.

    1. I could probably find enough bowls for that and if now, I guess I'll just need to use that as a reason for some thrift store shopping, ha. Thanks!!

  7. It's a beautiful colour and yes, great knobs! I have a little cabinet that needs a makeover and I am feeling inspired right now.

    1. This was just a sad little dresser that didn't fit. So I got some paint and the knobs and it was just a total transformation. Easy and best of all, inexpensive. Just like getting a new piece of furniture. Well, it IS a new piece, ha. Let me know on your blog what you do. I can't wait to see. Thanks for the nice comment, as always!!

  8. Very nice room. I love that its charming and practical with the bowl on top. I do believe, the propellers are my favorite item in this "vignette". It's the unexpected element along with the sentiment that is perfection!

    1. Yes, I wasn't sure if they "fit" but then I thought a) it's our house we can do what we like, and b) I think it really does fit, as a contrast, but then has a great 'story" with it. Thanks again!!

  9. Here's the deal...when you finish up with your farmhouse...grap those propellers pop them on a plane and fly out here to Northern California and work your magic with my farmhouse (5,000 sq ft 1923 would love it). (I vote for the silver the work you have done with this room)

    1. I about fell off the couch. That's is too funny. Very sweet of course, but funny. It's stressful enough doing our little 950 square foot house, ha. And that's after we've done our 1500 sq foot city bungalow (a craftsman style as well!).

      Thanks again, for the kind words! Hope you had a great holiday!

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you! It's nothing fancy but I think it fits. And "lovely" is a great way to describe it! :-)


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