
Monday, July 9, 2012


John Deere Rustoleum spray paint
It's funny how you can see something a hundred times, but not really "SEE" it, if that makes sense.  Case in point, this paint.  I've been in the paint section dozens of times over the years, buying spray paint of all different types.  Until I ended up owning a John Deere product, I never saw these paint colors on the shelf.  So recently, when I was choosing paint for the mirrors/dresser, I saw these.

I love how the can only says "specialty farm equipment", with a generic picture of a tractor that looks vaguely familiar.  We all know what they mean!  Then I noticed that the price tag on the shelf has the colors listed as
"John Deere Green/Yellow".

At least if I ever need some, I'll know where to get it.
Who knows, maybe I'll paint a mirror in "John Deere Green"! LOL!

John Deere Mower Big Green Zen Machine


  1. I'm the same way. Never notice a commercial until they become one of our clients & then it seems the commercials are on all the time.

    1. I guess that's true, we don't see things until we either know someone who has them or we have them or we know them or something. It's kind of fascinating, ha. :-)

  2. i think you should paint your house in John Deere Green and paint the trim around all the doors and windows in John Deere Yellow - bahahahahah! oh that would be waaaay tooo funny!!!!

    your friend,

    1. OMG I should suggest that to 2nd Man and be (or try to be) serious and see what he says, ha. That's hilarious!!!

    2. i was thinking you should do your car too - bahahahahahah!

  3. You crack me up! We have John Deere paint from one end of the shop to the other! We also have cans of IH Red, Allis Chalmers Orange, New Holland Blue: we are equal opportunity tractor/farm equipment owners! Every time my husband tells me he wants to show me a piece of "new" equipment I know it means he's painted one of the tractors...his idea of "new"! I guess I should count myself lucky being married to a frugal man!

    1. I guess maybe someday we'll end up with a variety too. Funny story, my Grandfather worked for and retired from Allis Chalmers! Not familiar with New Holland but I bet I will be someday, ha.

      Hey, yes, be thankful, frugal is always a good thing!! You know how we are, we can go crazy witth tools and toys! ;-)

  4. I always love those color, you know the "mickey mouse red" the "Deere yellow" and all those trademark color, it makes me smile everytime ... like come on, they own colors now! :D

    1. Ha, too funny! It's true, companies can "own" colors huh? Kind of crazy! LOL!


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