
Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Here are the recent wall sconce finds up and in place:
Foyer wall candle sconce
 Above is the small, ornate brown one I found a few weeks ago.  I found a perfect home for it in the foyer above this little vintage picture right next to the front door.  Of course, I still need to find the right size pillar candle for it.  At the other end of the foyer on the desk, I have some hurricane glass lamps for tall pillar candles, I'll get a picture of those later.

Below is the pair of white cast iron sconces I bought at the thrift store. I put them in the guest room, mounting one on each side of the mirror I recently painted and put up.  They fit the space nicely and add a little bit of detail.  If I can find some pale yellow candles, I might switch them out with these white ones.  I really like to use the smokeless/dripless candles, but it's not always easy to find them in a wide variety of colors.
Pair of white candle sconces
The goal is to have some form of candlelight in every room, be it candles on tables and shelves or sconces mounted on the walls.  Of course I also want to supplement these with oil lamps., at least one for each room, but that will come later.  For now though, I'm happy with these finds.


  1. yo, buddy - i gotta admit that i am really liking the way my "guest room" is shaping up! thanks buddy. oh and good work on all of the decorating!

    your friend,

    1. sorry Kymber--I was planning on using that guest room too! lol

    2. Tonya - i think yer great and am loving your blog - wanna exchange links? i would love to. but honestly hon.....THAT. IS. MY. GUEST. ROOM. i spent 10 yrs in the Canadian Forces and can beat someone to death with the butt of my weapon because we were never supplied ammo nor boots. just sayin hon - bahahahahahahah! i love having these little talks thru blogs...thanks a bunch Tonya!

    3. Ladies! Ladies! There are enough guest rooms's only one. Ooops!

    4. mine! mine! mine! i call dibs! it's mine! bahahahahahahQ

  2. With all these candle sconces are you expecting to lose electricity and be in need of these?

    1. Not so much expecting it as just preparing for the possibility. After hurricane Ike a few years ago, the entire Houston area was without electricity for 2 weeks. While it made me realize the need to be prepared. it's not only just that, I've always liked candlelight as alternative light sources. It's kind of relaxing and a nice change from bright lights.

      So I guess it's a combination of being prepared and ambiance. Just not sure which it leans more toward, LOL!

  3. Ummmm Gals.... that room is MINE...Sorry! Maybe we just need to get together with a calendar and plan it out. Don't want to overwhelm our host with how awesome we all

    1. TIMESHARE! LOL! Y'all are so crazy, hey, you might want to al wait until I get the rest of the house done and maybe some of the yard. It's a little "Life after People" now, ha.
