
Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Driveway view
In the interest of sharing, and seeing more of the property, here is a view (right after I mowed it all!) that I thought I'd share.  This is looking down our driveway toward the house.  It's from where 2nd Family's house is.  It isn't from the main road though because we share the main driveway that goes from the road to this point (about 3 acres away) with them.  Here you can also see, on the other side of that large post, where our property begins.  So this part of it is our driveway, all the way up to the house.

On the left in both of the photos, you can see a fence line that separates it into what we all call the 'back pasture', which belongs to them (2nd Family).  We hope to someday share some livestock with them in that pasture.  Sheep?  Goats?  A couple of milk cows?  Pigs?  Time will tell I suppose.

The photo below is about halfway up the driveway so you can see a bit closer view of the house.  We've always liked how the house sits back far enough and behind enough trees that it stays pretty private.  No one can see the house from any of the roads around the property and that's nice.

House and driveway view


  1. Every time I see a photo of the farm I love it more and more. You are so lucky, it is gorgeous. Nice mowing too.

    1. Awww, thank you! Yes indeed lucky! Lucky to have friends across the mile like you too.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! That's very kind of you. Welcome to the blog!!

  3. it's absolutely gorgeous...and being able to see it from a variety of views helps me anchor it in my head. i love pics...even if it's just of the grass in a field - i love them. but when you orient us by providing several pics from a variety of views - i love that even more. these pics are absolutely gorgeous - as is your land! so happy for you!

    your friend,

    1. Then there will be more coming, just for you!! :-) It's not Canada, ha, but it's definitely Texas, LOL.

  4. Thanks for the pics - helps get the lay of the land into perspective :)

    1. You're welcome. I guess I should post something that shows it. Might be time to get the google satellite image up.

  5. Beautiful! I love mowed grass. I can almost smell it in your pics.

    1. Oh my gosh someone else who loves that smell too! I have friends that say it gives them sinus problems, I just inhale it in and love it. Maybe being outside all the time (had to mow the grass when I was a kid every weekend) kept me allergy free, ha. I do love that smell. Someone needs that in a candle!


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