
Monday, September 3, 2012


Hope you are enjoying your long weekend, those of you here in the states of course.  For those elsewhere that are curious about our holiday,
HERE is the link to the Wiki entry about Labor Day.

How have you spent your weekend?
So far, we've done some shopping, some relaxing, some cooking, some reading, some cleaning and organizing and then some more relaxing.  It's been my first 'extra' day off since starting my new job so it's nice having a long weekend.


  1. I was going to garden this weekend but it's just too dang hot. I'll wait until next week when hopefully it's cooler.

    1. I hear ya. I'll have to start up the Fall stuff soon. Hoping for cooler weather. Today, here, the "feels like" temperature was 108. Ugh. Here's wishing for cooler weather for us all!

  2. 1st Man - we celebrate Labour Day here in Canada too! we expected a ton of cottagers and their guests to arrive this long weekend - ugh - but we have had very little traffic into these parts. i guess the price of gas is just too much! anyway, we have been celebrating by doing what we always do - gardening, daily chores, making tons of good food (more bulgogi and all the fixings as well as a bucketload of homemade hummus to much on with pita and veggies!), spending time at the river, hot-tubbing, napping - all of which we do naked, of course - bahahahahah! it's just been regular days here!

    glad to hear that you are getting some relaxing and reading in during this first extra day off. enjoy, buddy!

    your friend,

    1. Labour Day! I had no idea it was celebrated there too. Glad you kept your privacy, especially with all that nude gardening and nude cooking and nude napping, LOL!

      You crack me up! Thanks as always!!


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