
Saturday, September 1, 2012


Dark clouds are coming
It's amazing how fast the weather can change...after I finished mowing the yard, it went from blue sky to this in about 10 minutes.

The rain is about to arrive
About 5 minutes after that, the entire sky was dark and smelled of rain
By the way, I love that smell!

On the porch in the rain
Then about 5 minutes after that, the skies opened up and rained.  It poured actually.  A good 1/2" or so.  It's so nice sitting on the porch in a rocking chair watching and listening to the rain.  It's one of my favorite things to do.  I read a little and think I might have dozed off for a bit as well.  It's nice because the porch stays dry, except for that part right there by the stairs (water splashing), but it's so deep, 10 feet from railing to windows, that even there where it's wet, the door at the front of house wall is bone dry.  Since the rainy season is almost gone, some gutters are on our "prep for Spring" shopping list.

Posts will be sporadic this three day weekend.
Here in the states, Monday is the Labor Day holiday, a much deserved day off after a long hot summer.  Hope you all enjoy whatever you end up doing.


  1. Your rainy season is almost gone????? Mine hasn't even started yet. I only get rain from October to May. Only a rare event to get any in any other month.

    1. Ha, I never really thought about the fact that many haven't had their rainy season yet. Yeah, ours fades out in September, and we'll have an occasional rainstorm but it's crazy lately, who knows. Hope you get your rain soon (I'm assuming you're wishing for it!). :-)

  2. nice! Love the smell and sound of rain. We have a metal roof and it makes me fall asleep every time!

    1. Isn't it a wonderful smell? So unique. And a metal roof? . I'd love to have a metal roof! Jealous!!

  3. Your porch is 10 feet deep? That's awesome! Our porch is very shallow, it's nice having one but a deep one would be awesome.

    1. yes, it's 10 feet deep and 36 feet long (wide?). That gives us 360 square feet of porch. That's like another 1/3 of a house, ha.

  4. Rain? What is rain? LOL!

    1. I wish I could send some your way! Hang in there. It will come!

  5. Us too. Finally rain. And it is sweet indeed. Love the look of your porcha nd that handsome planter

    1. Aww, thanks! Yes, when the previous owner moved, she left this large planter. It was in the yard but I moved it up onto the porch. It fit the corner (and now we have fresh rosemary growing in it). the porch is sort of a blank slate at the moment, we've got some doormats and a couple of rockers but nothing else. Now that the inside is getting finished up a bit more, it might be time to focus on the porch. Well, maybe after we get the exterior painted. I'll have to prioritize, ha. Thanks!!

  6. I enjoyed seeing the photo of the rain off the roof from the porch...what a great day to smell rain!

    1. Thank you! it was a great day and I had just finished mowing so it was perfect timing and a great way to unwind. ;-)


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