
Thursday, September 13, 2012


Windmill with flowers
I saw this picture and was instantly drawn in.  A windmill is something I've always associated with a farm.  It could come from my visits to my Grandparents' homes in Oklahoma, where it seemed every other house and farmstead out in the country had an old windmill of some sort on it.

I told 2nd Man that once we have the outbuildings established and other more important and functional things, I want a windmill.  It can be old, it doesn't have to be shiny and new.  I'm guessing it won't be pumping water, but who knows, maybe someday it could be hooked up to a generator.  When we do have one, I want it covered in flowers, or at least flowers at the bottom, just like this one!

Blog day off, see you back here tomorrow.
Have a great Thursday!  


  1. You could always try to make one from scratch!!!

    1. Hmm, that might be beyond my current skill set, ha. But I could put one together from a kit! :-)

  2. I too have always wanted a windmill but there is a height restriction on structures where I live. SOMEDAY I will have my place in the country even if it means building my cozy little farmhouse. Here's to dreaming!

    1. Dreams are what the future is made of! Sorry about your restrictions. I don't think we have any in the country. Of course, I don't want it to be seen from far away either, i kind of like being sort of hidden way back from the road, ha.

  3. wow that is so pretty. I don't blame you! Very pretty and very inspirational.

    1. Isn't it? It might be the blue flowers, not sure. But I just love this picture. :-)

  4. My parents had one on their farm, I think it was connected to a well or something water related. I always enjoyed seeing it and still do.

    1. Yes, I think that's their original purpose. I suppose now it's just to see wind direction? Or maybe just purely decorative? Not sure. They do say 'farm" don't they? Thanks for stopping by!

  5. You can buy miniature windmills... about 6 feet tall. Cute.


    1. Oh my gosh! AWESOME. They have one that is 8' tall. That might be pretty cool. Thank YOU! I'll keep you posted!!!

  7. The flower on the fence is 'Heavenly Blue' Morning Glory. I planted it one spring on a dead pear tree. Folks were coming off the county road to ask "What's that blue flowering tree you've planted?" We'll certainly be having lots of dead trees we can change from eyesores to spectacular over the next couple of years...

    1. Oh my gosh, that's for the id. I think if, I mean, WHEN, I have one of these windmills someday, I will plant the same flowers so I can recreate this. Now I have the ID! Thank you.

      What a great idea about the dead trees. It's "nature's trellis" huh? Awesome, thank you!

  8. The windmill creations in the movie "Twister" have always been an inspiration to me; think we could find someone to make that for you?

    1. Hmm, I vaguely remember those (and I loved that movie!). Were those the ones the aunt made or had? I need to google that. We might find an artist type. Or maybe I just get an old school one. Maybe artsy fartsy won't fit on the farm? Not you've got me wondering! :-)


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