
Monday, September 24, 2012


Here is a great DIY I did with my recent thrift store find, turning something meant for one purpose into something for another purpose.  I did it as a surprise for 2nd Man.  It gave me something fun to work on and he gets the end result to use while cooking up something wonderful for dinner or dessert.
Wait a second...I guess that would be a win win for me?? Ha!

Here is how I did it, hope you enjoy!

DIY cookbook holder
First I started with this metal easel.  I found it at the thrift store.  It's made for a photograph or small picture frame, stands about 16" tall and is made of a wrought iron type metal.  I knew as soon as I saw it that it would be perfect.

Painting the cookbook holder
First, I decided on a color, in this case red, since that will be the accent color in the kitchen.  I got out my trusty can of Rustoleum and took it outside to spray paint it.  Rustoleum is always good on metal objects because it goes on so well and covers up a multitude of problems (including, of course, rust).

Cookbook holder in place
After an hour or so of drying time, it was done!  Simple as that!  Here it is on the counter in all its red glory.  It really is a quick and easy project.

Cookbook holder in use
Here is how you use it.  Just take your cookbook, and put it on the easel as if it were a picture frame.  The lower portion of the easel holds the book open to the page that you need to view and gives you a hands free way of reading your recipe while you're cooking.

Cookbook holder on kitchen counter
One thing to remember is that you want to find one that's an appropriate size for larger cookbooks.  If a cookbook was too big for a small easel, it would just tip over.  This one was just perfect, as you can see.  2nd Man was very surprised and loved it.  Now I just need to get him to make that pie that I conveniently opened it up to!



  1. I have one of those easels in my kitchen holding a small whiteboard. It's very useful for that purpose, but now you've given me another possibility. My kitchen is small and there's little space for an open cookbook. Now, I'll just pop out the whiteboard and follow your idea. Thanks!

    1. Ha, now I'll have to think about popping IN a whiteboard! Great idea! Thanks!! :-)

  2. Great color, I like red. I am always on the hunt for finds. I need a cook book stand, but did not want to pay new price; I shall keep waiting to fine one!!!

    1. You know, sort of by happenstance, we're going with that red as an accent color in the kitchen. It just "seems" appropriate for a kitchen huh? I think I paid $2 for this easel and the can of paint I already had. Good luck!!

  3. Replies
    1. Ha! If I can find another, you'll have one! :-)

  4. Holy cow, that is freakin ingenious. I HAVE one of those easels right now, not really being used!!!! I'm going to the store tomorrow for paint. Awesome, thank you thank you. Carolie

    1. wow, thank you for this. I am going to pinterest this. It's a great, easy, simple thing that comes up with maximum effect. thanks.

    2. Thank you Carolie, I am glad I inspired you to turn something not being used into some you can use! What color?

    3. Becca, thanks for that. yep it was so easy and quick and makes for dramatic instant impact. Thanks for putting it on Pinterest, I appreciate it!

  5. I need one of those! I will have to keep my eyes open for a stand.

    Oh and I planted Sugar Pie Pumpkins. I am going to try a French pumpkin next year called Musquee De Provence, it gets quite large where the Sugar Pies are small 5 to 7 lbs. Some of mine were not even that big. The pumpkin puree tasted good from the ones I grew. My only thought was they didn't seem super meaty. It was my first experience with them so I am not sure if that is how they always are. The Musquee De Provence has a good reputation as a flavorful very good tasty pumpkin. Will be interesting to see.

    1. It's funny when you aren't looking for them, you'll see them everywhere then when you go to look for it, you'll have trouble. At least that's always MY experience, ha.

      Thanks for the pumpkin info (everyone, go to her blog, see the amazing things she did with pumpkins!). I've heard of sugar pie pumpkins. Will have to look for those (as soon as the seed catalogs start arriving this Fall/Winter!). I might check out the other. I'm assuming any of the heirloom places should have them.

      Thank you!!

  6. Blueberry pie! MMMMM. Great idea

    1. Great idea but I probably won't get it. Story of my life, LOL! ;-)

  7. i love it and i am sure that 2nd Man will make you that pie! mail me some when he does - bahahahahahaah!

    your friend,

    1. One can only hope, ha. Heck, I'd take any slice of pie right now, I'm hungry too!!


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