
Friday, September 28, 2012


Here is a real life "Friday Funny"

Went to the grocery store today to get some matches for the farm.  Sounds simple huh?  It was a new store and I was a bit lost so a young employee asked me if I needed help.  What follows is the actual exchange:

HIM: "Hi, um, can I help you find something?"

ME: "Yes, actually I'm looking for matches".

HIM: "Looking for what?"

ME: "Matches.  You know, like kitchen matches?"

HIM: "It matches what in the kitchen?"

ME: "No, no, to light things...with fire"

HIM: "Oh, you need a lighter, those are on aisle 12"

 ME:  Heavy sigh as I dejectedly headed off on my own.

Are matches becoming "old school"?  Or am I?

Hey, at least I got my matches!*
And they are "green" (eco friendly) at that, made from sustainable forests!  That's kind of cool.

*matches were in the picnic supplies section


  1. You said it all really .... picnic area? Does the average household not ever need to light anything?....perhaps not. Central heating and electricity did avay with real fires and candles/lamps ... tis a sad world....there is nothing like a bit of candlelight.

    Vicky x

    1. Sad but probably oh so true. Young people just take it for granted that you flick a switch and something happens.

      And yes, nothing compares to candlelight.

  2. I usually report this to the manager so training can take place

    1. You know I probably should have but I was ready to go, ha.

  3. At Walmart they are with the kitchen supplies like utensils. Funny part is that you can buy a 3 pack for $3.99 (large boxes) but get the same large boxes individually for 99¢. Now why would I pay someone $1.02 more just to have 3 boxes in a piece of cellophane together when I am going to take off the cellophane and throw it away?
    By the way, the first time I was looking for them I was told they were with the candles....NOT.

    1. You know it would make sense to be with candles huh? But that would be too easy. That is too funny about the pricing, I can totally believe that. That's probably for all the people who can't do simple math anymore either, LOL!

  4. Matches are definitely for candles when the power goes out ;) Or the fire starter you can rely on when you're out camping and the lighter fell into a puddle of water.

    I worry about the youngsters, and their "limited" knowledge...

    1. Sigh, I totally understand about youngsters these days. I've always loved using matches to light candles and lamps and campfires, there is just something that connects us back to our ancestors huh? I'm going to make sure we have lots of them on hand at the farm. :-)

  5. Oy...I agree with Dani, I worry about the youngsters, too. I had a teen once tell me (fully serious) that cows lay eggs. So I asked her where milk came from and she didn't know. True story.

    1. OMG, seriously? Wow, that's just crazy. Of course most kids probably don't know where our food comes from.

  6. What about those kids that don't know what vegetables look like, serious troubles ( Also heard a story about children who thought chickens had 6 legs because mums bought them in packs of 6 at the supermarket.

    1. WOW, just WOW. I watched that video in the link you sent, thanks. Amazing. Sad, but amazing. Thanks for sharing, as always!! ;-)

  7. Oh we have those at my place of work :-) And I am sorry for the crappy service you were given. No idea what store it was at (not that it matters, really), but that was SO unacceptable! Where I work, I woulda greeted ya with a big ole howdy or how are ya? , and BROUGHT you to the matches (unless you prefer to go yourself, then I'd give you precise directions, or bring ya if I wasn't sure, then leave you be), and made sure they were what you were looking for.. And made sure you didnt have any questions :-) Garsh, crappy customer service urks the heck outta me! Even from another state :P Thats probably my best asset in the retail business :) Actually "selling" like the "corporations" want you to do it - NA, def. not for me LOL. Im bluntly honest in my opinions of certain products Im familiar with- whether my company approves or not LoL. Hate to see people waste hard earned dollars on bad products! (or when they can get it cheaper somewhere else!)

    Well, at least you were able to find the matches!

    1. Well I wished I had you to help me! That's the kind of service I appreciate and makes me tell everyone I know how great it was!

      This was a grocery store. *cough*KROGER*cough*

  8. ROFL well good you found the matches, I recently restocked ours as well.

    1. Yep always good to have them on hand huh? And it's amazing how fast we run out of them.

  9. Green matches? GREEN MATCHES??? They're supposed to be red. Always have been red. Next thing you know there will be purple ones.

    1. It's weird, I couldn't find red ones? I'm not sure why they can't make them using sustainable methods and still have RED match heads, ha.

  10. The only place I am ever able to find matches is in the camping section of WalMart/Target/Sears - which is good because it is the only time we use them, when we camp.

    Makes you wonder what this kid's parents taught him growing up? I would be embarrassed if my kid appeared that dense. The only thing I can think is that maybe he misheard you the first time {Matches what?} And then when he realized that you wanted to light something with matches sent you to the lighter aisle not knowing in the 12,976 items his store carries that one of them is, in fact, matches. Having worked in a grocery store many, many moons ago [before scanners and plastic bags, eek] it is near impossible to know everything a store carries, especially today - the cheeses alone blow me away. heehee

    1. I wondered if perhaps he hadn't hear me but I was pretty clear in my speaking. Not to mention I was using hand gestures too, lol. I never thought about the camping section. I was in a grocery store so maybe picnic supplies were closest to camping. ;-)

    2. p.s. Oh how I love the cheeses. It is overwhelming but I think I'd eat them all, ha.


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