
Friday, October 5, 2012


We interrupt our regular "Friday Funny" feature to announce a winner.  We drew from all the names of everyone who asked to be entered and the winner of the gardening book for the September giveaway is...

2 Tramps!

Click HERE to visit their great blog.  Hooray!

In the meantime, will one of the tramps (LOL) please email me directly and let me know where to ship your book and I'll get that out to you soon. Congratulations!

If you didn't win, don't give up (*cough, John, cough*), we're going to do this every month so check back.  In a few days, the next book that will be up for grabs (a cookbook) will be posted.

Thank you to everyone who entered!


  1. Congrats!!! Heading over to visit your blog soon :-)

  2. We emailed you our many thanks and our address on Friday as soon as we saw the good news. We look forward to the book and the opportunity to learn some new tricks to deal with our gardening issues. This season has been so tough - way too many bugs and diseases. Again, thanks so much for the wonderful book!!

    1. Your email went to my spam folder for some reason. I'm so happy you were able to win. Book on it's way tomorrow!! Congrats again and everyone go visit their blog too!


Please leave us a comment! I have some comment moderation on and of course will approve your comment relatively quickly. We love feedback and hearing what others have to share with us all. Please know that I can't always reply to it right away, but ALL comments are read. I will reply just as soon as I can so be sure to come back and see my reply.

Now, let us hear from you!