
Sunday, October 7, 2012


Women's Land Army, British poster from WWII
I've posted a couple other "Women's Land Army" posters over the past couple of years but here's a new one I found.  The group was a British civilian organization that was formed during both WW1 and WWII.

It's purpose was to replace the agriculture workers (men) that had been called off to war so that food production could continue uninterrupted.

I like the concept of a "land army", women and men and children.  It would be kind of cool to have people helping out local farmers, even if only for a couple of hours a month. 

Hope you are having a great weekend.  I'm off to mow, possibly the last time this season as cooler weather sets in across the area and of course, to check for mice, hoping they are still "gone", ha. 


  1. There's a cool English TV series called Land Girls about this. I watched it on Netflix.

    1. Now that's neat, I love tv like that. I will have to look for it, we have a netflix account. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. I've watched The Land Girls as well...a young Rachal Weit is one of the leads. Also Downton Abbey had a brief plot arc with lady Eidth helping out a local farmer using her driving skills with hi tractor...she became a bit enamored with the guy, poor Edith :)

    Please do tell where you find these posters...are reproductions available somewhere?



    1. I feel like I'm missing so much by not watching Downton Abbey, everyone raves about it, ha.

      I don't actually have these posters, I just find the images online after doing some research. They are usually from archive libraries, here and abroad. I think some are reproduced in modern poster size. I think someone is missing a great opportunity, if I could figure out how to do it I would, ha.

  3. Ooops...sorry for the spelling editing function?

    1. It's ok! Yeah, google comments doesn't have an edit feature, usually you can either delete or just do like you did, I find myself doing that often as well when i leave comments elsewhere, ha. It's all good! :-)

  4. Sure wish I looked that good out in the gardens! But I am always dirty with dirty clothes and hair all askew. I can dream though!

    1. Ha, too funny! I showed a poster once with a guy all dressed up with his rake or hoe or something and I thought the same thing. They sure made it glamorous huh? LOL! Never hurts to dream.

  5. There's a great novel by Alexander McCall Smith called "La's Orchestra Saves the World". The main character in the WWII novel goes to work on a chicken farm to help the war effort. It's a great story! AUthor is the one who has written the series of No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency.

    1. Hmm, sounds interesting. I love books of all types, especially ones set in historical events. I'll have to add that to my list. Thank you!


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