
Monday, November 19, 2012


I realized I haven't posted a lot of outside work progress shots lately.  Of course, a few weekends have been washouts, but here is one spot I've been working on.  There is this little half circle of trees in the front yard.  In the above picture, you can see what it looked like earlier this year.  The trees were a little wiry with suckers coming out from everywhere.  There were also saplings springing up all over the ground.  Then there were the bricks from some long ago project, many buried in the ground.  Also, pay particular attention to the area behind these trees in the 'before' picture.

And now below is the progress so far this year.  I've cleaned up the trees and made them look more like, well, trees, the bricks are all gone and dug up from the ground, and I moved a concrete bench from elsewhere on the property to this nice and shady spot.  But notice behind the trees...there you can see how much I've cleared out...all the way to the side fence line (about 3/4 acre).  The only major thing left is that larger Mesquite tree clump on the left side.  That big empty spot will be the site of the future barn.

As for this area, I have a vision for it.  I still need to clean out the grass under the trees and around the bench, then I will put edging around it in a large, circular shape and fill it with mulch.  I'd like to plant some bulbs in there as well, shade loving of course, and two varieties, Fall blooming and Spring blooming.  For any other reason, it would be a nice spot to sit and relax, but I have something else in mind for it to eventually become.

We hate to think about this but it is part of life...we have three cats (four counting the outside cat Gigi) and they are getting older.  Sydney, the oldest, is over 17 now, Brisbane is 12 and Gigi is 11.  Hobart is still a relative youngster of 6.  The day will come however when we'll have to think about this and we feel that having this spot as a final resting place might be a nice idea.  It's quiet, it's peaceful, we'll be able to go out and sit and think and it will be with us forever.  We even thought about future farm pets.  We feel it's better to make these decisions now while we aren't dealing with the stress of the moment.  It just seems like it will be easier to have a place for them ready when the time comes.

Does that make sense?  What about you?  Have you made a special memorial garden area where you are or have you thought about it?  Is it weird to plan for that?  Or is it smart to think ahead?  Share in the comments below.


  1. I like it, it's lovely. The thought of being quiet and peaceful,reading or writing with my old friends.

    1. Aww, I like that thought...using it as a place to read or write. I hate to think of that day but it gives me comfort knowing that I'm working on something for them.

  2. I think it's a lovely idea. I have a spot on our property, I call it our secret garden, and it's where I've laid our pets to rest. I hesitate to tell people it's a pet cemetary because they might think that's creepy (thank you Stephen King,haha), but we know what it's for and there is a bench there and it's nice for me to just go and sit. We've cremated the three we've lost so we just bury a small container of ashes and I put a marker for each. You are very wise to think about this now and what a pretty spot you will have. I know it's tough to think about now but as you said, when the day comes (far from now I hope), you'll not have that worry.

    1. Ha, pet cemetery, yeah, I figured I wouldn't ever call it that. Thank you for the kind words. We'll do cremation for the cats we have now when the time (far from now like you said!) comes. I like the idea of a a marker too. Thanks for the comment!

  3. I think it's a wonderful idea. And, the clean up/spruce up looks great.

    1. Thank you! It's been work but it's baby steps, right? Ha. Thanks again!!

  4. I also think it is a lovely idea.
    I think that it is a lovely thing to do. My own darling Hamish died some eight years ago and I regret not having a place like this for him.
    I aim to have one of those areas as well when we get sorted.
    Perhaps AGA (my partner) might end up there too if the dinner isn't ready on time. ;-)
    Bye for now

    1. Thank you for that. Those furry animals leave pawprints all over our lives huh? I hear ya on your partner, lol. I might have to remind 2nd man of that as well, HA!! Just signed up to follow your blog, what a lovely story you have about the silhouettes (go check it out everyone!). Thanks for the comment!!

  5. What a lovely idea! We had our Golden Lab best friend cremated, then we encased the container of ashes in concrete to form a stepping stone to be placed at the entrance of what was, at that time, a granddaughter's "secret garden" behind the shed.

    1. I never thought about the ashes in concrete of some shape. Again, hate to think of it, but I guess it's like planning for it for any other family member huh? I like the secret garden idea too, you're the second commenter to mention that. :-)

  6. Not weird at all... I think it's great! We have a circle around our old pony's favorite tree, and another under a tree in the yard.

  7. this is a beautiful idea 1st Man! very, very beautiful! and i think that it is very smart to be thinking about these issues now. bravo, messieurs to both of you! and it is such a lovely spot!

    your friend,

    1. Thanks, that means a lot coming from you. That's what I hoped for, a lovely spot, peaceful and meaningful. I hope it's years before I have to use it but I'm glad to be doing something now. Thanks again!

  8. Such sweetness and forethought!

  9. Great job cleaning up and trimming the trees. What a beautiful idea and a lovely resting place for your fur babies.

    We took in K's mother's dog last year after she passed away. Millie is an old dog and we have been lucky to have her in our lives for a year now, but she has a lot of health issues and we know it is only a matter of time. We have two kitties that are aging and another dog that share our lives. They are very important to us. I too was recently thinking about designating a place on the property for their final resting place.

    1. Yes, it was a lot of work, a slow process (mostly the area behind it) and I'm not finished yet, but I'm hoping to complete it soon. So sweet that you took in a relatives dog, I always worry about people who pass away and their pets are left behind, that has to be one of the most tragic things I can imagine for the pets still here. What a nice thing and I know she's living a happy life with you. That's really what I thought as well, we have talked about what happens since we're currently in the city and have no place at the house there to bury them, not to mention we won't be there forever. So as I cleaned this up and started to think it just seemed like the perfect spot. Thanks again for the sweet words.

  10. A good spot indeed, but such a depressing thought! :)

    1. Hey stranger! MIssed ya! Thanks and yes, it is depressing but someday, it will give me comfort and I'll look back and appreciate that. Thanks again!

  11. Your post was the stimulus for me to write a post about my own pets. We had to find a spot for their remains just last week. Now I'm thinking about where I should go when the time comes.

    1. What a great post you wrote. thanks for the shout out. I really enjoy your blog by the way!!

  12. Very nice. On my country property where I have lived for over 40 years, we have buried many, cats in various spots. Since I did cat rescue work in my younger days, and have lived my dream of lots of cats (currently 20), our property houses almost 200 little ghosts.

    So many cats require lots of work and lots of money, but who wants to travel in Europe, live in a McMansion, or wear designer shoes when you can give a home to another needy kitten? Not I--and my son who lives here now after my husband's death thinks the same.

    I have several benches like yours, one in our woods and one in our cat playground (river birch, great climbing tree).

    1. Now that's a sweet story and what great work you do. Big cat lovers here too. Nice that you are doing that, keep it up.

      "200 little ghosts", that is 200 little kitties that lived wonderful lives and had second chances with you. :-)


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