
Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Here is a recipe 2nd Man has been making, it seems, forever.  Funny thing though, we always called this "Farmhouse" even though we didn't have a farmhouse.  It just seemed like something you'd eat for dinner on a farm.  There are probably a hundred variations on this theme out there, this is ours.

The ingredients are simple:

1 lb sausage (your favorite), diced
3 lbs Yukon Gold potatoes, cut into bite sized pieces
4 sprigs fresh thyme
1 red pepper, diced
1 green pepper, diced
1 small onion, diced
1 TBSP minced parsley
1/4 cup olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

In a large dutch oven or roasting pan, combine sausage, potatoes, thyme and olive oil until well coated.

Add peppers, onions, parsley, salt and pepper and stir one more time to coat.

Place in oven, at 450 degrees and roast, uncovered, for about 45 minutes, stirring periodically, until you have a nice color on the potatoes and sausage.   

Remove from oven, and serve!

Here, we had a nice big bowl with some homemade cornbread.  Nothing like a hearty meal of meat and potatoes!



  1. OMG that looks so yummy and best of all, I have some sausage in the fridge and some potatoes in the pantry. I think I may even have a few sprigs of thyme left in the herb garden, ha. Thanks, love your blog by the way, I visit first thing every morning.

    1. Ha, it was a sign!!! Thank you for the kind words! Come back soon.

  2. Replies
    1. Yep, it's one of those that a lot of people make and make their own. I think next time we might put some garlic in it. ;-)

    2. No try sweet bell peppers!Red,yellow and orange.

    3. Mmm, good idea!! And probably very pretty (we eat with our eyes too, right??)

  3. I have four boys and this recipe is perfect for feeding them!!! LOL. We do a similar recipe where I brown ground beef and potatoes and peppers on the stovetop(the recipe is simply called, "Man Food"), but this is much easier and I bet tastes better because of the roasting.

    1. Four boys??? Bless your heart! Hey, the ground beef sounds great. Yes, roasting caramelizes it and brings out some more flavor. :-)

  4. Your Farmhouse Potatoes and Sausage dish looks amazing. We all will be over for left overs!

    1. Thank you! Everyone is welcome, but, um, wait a minute, I'm not sure there are any leftovers!!! :-P

  5. Thanks, Ray! You just gave me an idea of what to make for breakfast with the Jetboil cooker we have for camping. (Veggie sausages of course. ;) )

    1. Woo hoo! I expect a blog entry about your dish!!! Enjoy (and STAY WARM!)

  6. Add some scrambled egg to this dish and you just about have 'Bauernfruhstuck' or Farmer's Breakfast which is a typical breakfast menu dish at our local cafe here in our little part of north western Germany.

    1. Bauernfruhstuck? I LOVE that name, ha. Not sure I'm pronouncing it correctly when I say it, but it sounds great. Isn't it great how food around the world is often just variations on a theme? I love that. Makes us all connected! :-)

  7. Good grief, this is terrible! Not the recipe or photos, but now I'm craving sausage and potatoes so bad I can't stand it LOL. The is definitely a must try.

    1. Ha, you scared me there for a minute! Try it you'll love it and best of all you can do whatever you like, don't like thyme? use oregano. Use all green peppers if you want. It's very flexible.

  8. OMG, how hungry am I now? Haha. Thanks, looks wonderful!!!!!!!

    1. Ha, thank you! Hope you got something to eat, LOL!

  9. My version--must make it again soon-we call German farmer's breakfast; it combines potatoes, ham or sausage,and scrambled eggs. No oven time, though.

    1. Mmmm, now I've already had dinner and I'm hungry again, ha. Sounds similar to Kirk Dale's mention above too and he's in Germany. Sounds like you had the name spot on! I wonder about the origins of food? I guess we'll make it "Texan Farmer's Breakfast" ha (next Spring when we have actually garden plants growing, LOL!)

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you!! It's really good and super easy, just be sure and stir it around in the oven a few times so that it gets good and caramelized. :-)

  11. Hi, I tried this recipe out, adjusting the ingredients to suit what is available here in Scotland, and in a smaller quantity, and it was delicious. In fact, it was so good I have shared my adjusted version on my blog. However, I have provided a link to your blog too for anyone that wants to make the larger quantity. I may try adding an egg as mentioned in one of the comments. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I'm sorry for the delay in replying to this. It got pushed down my list because it was on an older post. Thank you for trying it and how sweet to mention us on your blog. I bet an egg would be great, I've been wanting us to try that too but it seems we always forget, ha. Thank you again SO much, very kind of you!!!

  12. Hey men... just thought I share with you my hand at making this WONDERFUL dish. I'd post a picture here, but can't. You can check out the cute little rating I gave it here! Thanks again so much for sharing the recipe. It really is a wonderful, filling dish! I think I'll make it again this week! hehe

    1. I'm blushing! Thank you! I found your post and you are just TOO nice. Thank you so much. I don't know what else to say, you're very kind. :-)

    2. made this yesterday with some cubes of ham in place of sausage. was very good. I always fry it but found this interesting. the potatoes had a different texture, well cooked, creamy texture in center. thank you for inspiration, i enjoy trying new things and different idea's. interesting blog


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