
Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Summer peak
With our first freeze officially here (low of 29 two nights ago), any semblance of green will now be going away and stay gone until Spring.  This summer, the trails I rode on the Big Green Zen Machine were green and abundant with flowers as seen above...

Now, as you can see below, after the freeze, everything has already started turning or will be turning, brown.  I like the colors of Winter elsewhere, but without snow down in these parts of the country, we don't get the Winter Wonderland look, we just get brown, dead and bleak.  Even the sky looks different.  And everything just looks like that much more work.  Spring can't come soon enough, though I must admit, I DO enjoy the break...

Winter bleak
Still, it's the time of year when many of us start to get into the Winter blah's, and it only gets worse into January and February (though for many of you in other parts of the world, it might be Summer and pretty now).  What about you?  How do you beat the Winter blah's?  Seed catalog therapy?  Planning for the garden next year?  Or is it just maybe time for a mental break from all that?


  1. Ordering Seed Catalogues! Just received Baker Creek this week, woo hoo.

  2. Mental break is in order. Here in Phoenix, AZ, we haven't had a freeze yet but I've tried to put out plants that the cold doesn't hurt....thus some green. Thanks for sharing.

  3. crazily enough - we still have green here! our seasons are 3 months each so winter only stays from january to march. we are still enjoying autumn! i love it here. but winter months for us are for printing DIY articles and other stuff that interests us - and then we spend the winter months reading, hottubbing, planning for the next season and just generally relaxing - and many naps too! but that is easy for us because we are retired and live in the middle of nowhere - bahahahahahahah! i wish that everyone could relax and unwind during the winter - it's why winter was created!

    be good to yourself and 2nd Man during this winter! much love to you both! your friend,

  4. Seed catalogues and planning for me! Plus I like to reread some of my gardening books to pick up new tips or remind myself of things I forgot. It's very therapeutic when the winter blues hit!

  5. Our leaves have fallen here but this stupid grass still needs to be cut!Ride on over I'll let you cut it with the Big Green Zen Machine LOL.Take the blahs right out of ya.

  6. Just sitting on my butt in front of this computer for too many hours a day. I feel like I have no life after the temperatures drop below 50F, LOL! Once the holidays are over, I'll get all excited about planning the 2013 garden. Until then, there's always a Scrabble game or a jigsaw puzzle waiting for me on the laptop. Or floors to mop. Or laundry to wash. *Yawn*

  7. Put fairy lights in some of them (if you can); at least at night it would look nice.

  8. Stay indoors, muted lighting, lots of throws and blankets, some nice home made flavoured liqueur, candles, curtains closed against the dark cold night and a scarey film on the tv.

  9. Sit by a fireplace and warm my feet?
    I don't know. Haven't been there yet.
    If you start feeling depressed, you need to get a sun lamp. That's a valid medical prescription in places where the sun doesn't shine several months out of the year.

    Of course puzzles, seed catalogs and garden planning are all options, too. :o)

  10. ooooo....I like the seed catalog therapy idea! I am heading to my first full on winter season, bring on the cheery ideas!


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