
Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Stormy weather coming
I love stormy weather.  I don't want the damage of course, floods and hail and all that bad stuff, but I do love a good thunderstorm.  When I was at the farm trying to get some yard work done (of course!), there was a big storm brewing, so I snapped some pictures to share.  I love taking pictures of a storm as it's approaching and getting darker and darker.  I think what I've always liked about them is the contrast of the clouds as the lighter ones resist as long as they can, ultimately giving way to the darker ones.  This particular storm system gave us a good 1/2" of rain (and nothing bad) so that was nice.

Storm clouds over the house
Even though it's approaching Winter, we've had a pretty dry Autumn so far.  We definitely needed the rain for the plants and trees and most importantly, the aquifer that is a 150 feet below us.  Water is a gift whenever it arrives.


  1. Especially here uh.Sweet rain,we still haven't gotten any over in west Texas :(

    1. I hope you get some soon. I know it's been bad out that way this year. I'll send some your way if I can.

  2. I love watching an approaching storm. At our Country House, so many pretend to form and then either go around us or break up altogether. It will look like all hell's about to break loose, then nothing.

    1. Ha, that happens all too often to us too. This one dropped rain. But 2nd Family tells us that it sometimes seems like there is a 'dome' over that part of the country and it rains all around. Weather is weird at times huh? But an approaching storm, even if it doesn't hit, is a sight to behold, that's for sure.

  3. It definitely is. Hopefully lots of places that need it will get it this winter.

    1. I'm hoping for a 'wetter' winter. I don't necessarily want it to be colder than normal, but I'll take wetter!

  4. On my first trips to Texas, the Houston area, I was surprised at how soon an approaching storm was visible. North Georgia is mountainous and we don't see storms until they're right upon us. That bowl of Texas sky was an amazement, too—stars from horizon to horizon.

    1. I never thought about that. I guess I forget that it's not like this everywhere, ha. I'd take the mountains for awhile though, LOL!

  5. Hi,guys, I am not sure how I got to your amazing blog, but, here I am...and glad to be here.
    I, too, love a good storm...cloudy, rainy days are wonderful.
    I am glad you are enjoying your farm. I would love one, too. :)
    I just linked to follow along...come see this olden great-grandmother any time. Love to have ya.

    1. HI THERE!!!!!! Welcome to 'the farm'! I blush at your kind words, thank you. Hope you enjoy reading and comment any time! Thanks again.


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