
Thursday, January 3, 2013


Adobe Oven, image courtesy of
When I post these photos for inspiration many times they are something I found recently that I love and want to do.  In this case, this is literally a picture I've had for years, long before we bought land or even thought of it.

This is a photo of an outdoor adobe oven, that you can actually make for your own yard.  I saw the original article in Sunset Magazine years ago and then, via the Internet, I found the image again.  2nd Man asked me a couple of years ago, "would you build one of those for us?".  Of course at the time, we didn't even have the land and I said sure...but now we do and I know, any day, I'm going to get asked again, LOL.  So while this is on our bucket list for the farm, it certainly won't be this Spring, the garden beds will be the prime focus then. But this could show up sometime sooner rather than later.  I think 2nd Family (down the driveway) wants one too, so we could make it a joint project.

Enjoy your day!


  1. We have looked at building an outdoor oven here, too! We originally planned one for the edge of our patio, just behond the deck... but all of a sudden, it's on the "C" list now, too!

    1. Yeah, I can relate to the "C list". ha. Hey, we're not in any hurry, but I would love to have it sooner rather than later thinking of all the yummy food!

  2. Tramp 1 has wanted to build one of these for years, too. We still have that Sunset magazine. We have every Sunset since 1982... Rather than sort them by year, they are sorted by month, so each time we start a new month, we can retrieve all the issues for that month and enjoy them, then swap when the next month starts. Crazy but really fun to look at them all!

    1. Isn't it funny how one thing can inspire so many people? Cool! I don't know much about Sunset magazine. I found this one in a stack of mags at a store once upon a time and kept the adobe oven article. I hope y'all get yours soon!

  3. I actually got to be part of building a cob oven at our local CSA this past summer. We all came away planning oven-raisings at each others homes, lol. They really are awesome, and would hold up forever and ever down in your neck of the woods. It's a lot wetter here, but they still hold up pretty well with a little shelter. The one we built, we built a 4 posted tin roof into it.
    They bake THE most wonderful bread.

    1. Those cob ovens are awesome. How neat you got to help out with that. An oven raising???? Holy cow what a fun and neat idea to do with a group of friends. "Bread" was the first word out of 2nd Man's mouth when I said "we could build one of these someday". ha.

  4. I have enjoyed watching (online) several brick and/or clay ovens being constructed for bread-baking or pizza-making. Looks like a fantastic addition to cooking options, but not one I realistically intend to take on. Wish I had a friend with one, though! ;)

    1. Ha, it is some work but with a group gathering, it wouldn't be so bad. But yes, I'd love for our next door neighbors to have one, ha. Instead of borrowing a cup of sugar, you show up with some fire wood and bread dough, LOL!

  5. those ovens are the best especially when you can get pinon wood to burn!

    1. I see pinyon wood being sold in bags here in town. I think people use them mostly in their outdoor fire pits and/or fireplaces. I didn't think about cooking with it. thanks!!

  6. Looks a great project. I've always fancied a clay oven for doing pizza and things with a nice covered shelter over the top. Don't think its going to happen anytime soon for me - hope you get to build your sooner!

    1. Trying to move it from the c list to the b list at least this year ha. Pizza would be my choice too. Bread is nice, but bread that's flat and round and covered in cheese, tomatoes and other veggies, is even better, LOL!

  7. I've carried around that exact same picture for years, too!! Hope you get yours this year :)

    1. Now that's cool! I love that one photo such as this one, inspired people from different places to want the same thing. That's what we did, saw the photo, saved the article and moved it from place to place until we bought a farmhouse and land and then went "um, remember that adobe oven.......?" ha. I figure I won't put it on a list for this year and then maybe something will just happen, we never know, right? Thanks for stopping by, as always!!

  8. I always wanted to do one of these and even intended to. I have had to accept that my garden is not big enough and the weather here would simply make it a waste of space which is a shame, never mind, you can't have em all. Happy New Year by the way.

    1. First of all, thank YOU. Can't wait to see what adventures 2013 bring us huh? While it wouldn't take up that much room for you, I'm sure you could find a spot for it, the weather can be a spoiler. I've got it on "the list" so we never know what might come up.

      Happy New Year again!!


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