
Saturday, January 26, 2013


Here is the latest photo of Seda the FFA pig:

Seda the Pig
He's a good looking pig huh?  This is the pig we are sponsoring for a family friend's son who is in the FFA

His current weight is 245 lbs (he was 60 when we first met him!)
He stands 30 1/2" high
His belly is 45" around
And he is 57" long from snout to tail

The auction comes up February 1st.  We're hoping he and the young man who is raising him, "T", do very well.  So far, all signs point to that possibility!


  1. Replies
    1. We'll keep everyone posted. Fingers crossed they do well.

  2. Replies
    1. I hear ya, I joke about the bacon but I understand the flip side and what happens in the end. I'll have a post on that soon.

  3. he's a beautiful pig, 1st Man...."T" is doing an excellent job! and i am sure that they will both do really well at the auction!

    your friend,

    1. Yep hope so, it's all for a good cause and T is wanting to do it again next semester.

  4. As Charlotte spun in "Charlotte's Web" - "That's Some Pig". WOW - he's gorgeous and I bet he brings a pretty price at auction.

    I have been away from blogging for a while, but I must go back and read up on your sponsorship, and how that works. We have FFA here too, but I have never seen them do anything like this. Sounds like a great program.

    Good luck to "T"

    1. Hello and welcome back. Well, this is a family friend who's son wanted to join FFA but they couldn't come up with the money required for the purchase of the pig and that's what he really wanted to raise. They were going to look for a business to maybe sponsor them but we decided the right thing to do would be to step in and buy the pig for him so that's what we did. Then we just helped along the way if anything was needed that they couldn't do. Our agreement is that if he goes to auction and gets back what we spent, he'll repay us. We don't care either way, we're just glad we could help and it's really changed his life. He really wants to become an ag engineer or somehow work in the ag industry. Nothing wrong with that! :-) I bet if you checked with your school, you could find a way to help out some of the kids who might be wanting to do it but can't.

      By the way, we missed you. Been reading and catching up with your blog. Sending some good and positive energy your direction!!

  5. We at one point in our marriage had a small farm. We raised pigs,chickens, and steers. And they were so smart they could hear the electric fence and know just when to run it and get out. Our Sally was 400 lbs. We bred the pigs, sold weiner pigs and butchered pigs for the meat. I was the mid-wife. We had a couple sows that had breach litters and I would jump in the pen and help and jump out fast. We lived on the mini farm 3 yrs. and sold it and moved into a rural area. It was cheaper on the gas for my husband to go back and forth to work. 30 yrs.later we have been in our sm. rural home which now is being more of a city as houses and stores are being built around us. that is okay with us we are 63 yrs. old. Fond memories but hard work. Thanks for the photos.

    1. Wow, thank you for sharing your story. Very nice. What an exiting life you've led. It's a whole new side of things I'm only just discovering. Not sure I'm ready for butchering, ha, but I understand. Thank you again! Come back and visit. We aren't at ours full time yet, it's a slow work in progress but someday we hope to be there like you. We might have started late but we'll figure it out, ha.


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