
Monday, January 21, 2013


Well, I just had to post about a 'home remedy' that has worked wonders for us.

2nd Man and I caught a cold a few weeks ago.  We always try to start taking Vitamin C and Zinc at the first sign and we did.  But then we stopped when it felt like it was gone but alas, it wasn't completely gone.  It came back in the form of a lingering cough.  You know, that cough that is worse when you lay down and keeps you up all night?  You have coughing fits so bad that they give you a headache or hurt your ribcage?  Well it's been keeping us up so we broke down and got some cough medicine.  That didn't really help.  Sure it probably relieved some of the congestion but the cough was still there
(so much for "truth in advertising")

Vicks VapoRub
Flash forward to the other day when my dear friend Dawn suggested a home remedy:  Vicks Vaporub...on your feet before bed...and socks.  HUH?  For a cough?  Sounds crazy but hey, we had the Vicks, we have the socks and we definitely have feet, LOL.

Now growing up of course, my Mom always put Vicks on my chest when I was sick.  I even asked her to put it on Tommy the Tiger, my constant stuffed animal companion as a child.  But I had never heard of the feet thing.

*Not my feet

So the other night, I got home and decided to do it.  I slathered it on while I was up watching TV and then put my socks on over it.  Sure I was a sight to see in red and green plaid flannel pajama pants (hey, don't judge, it's been below 30 here at night, ha), white socks and black Crocs.  I figured that was the best way to a) not get Vicks all over the hardwood floor, and b) not mess up my regular shoes.  2nd Man waited until bedtime to put his on.  Apparently, there is something about being horizontal that helps as well.  I coughed a bit while I was up but then before bed, I put it on again and let me tell you, we both slept like a baby.  No coughing in the night, and slept right up until the alarm went off to get up and go to work.

I've also noticed today that my cough is different, it's somehow released the congestion in my chest and broken it up.  I didn't even take the cough syrup last night and I slept without needing it and without coughing.  I will be doing this again tonight and every night until it's gone.

A nice side effect is that my feet are soft and smooth too, ha.  I'm not sure how it works.  Power of suggestion?  Some sort of aromatherapy-ish thing? The essential oils being absorbed into the body?  Something like reflexology since the feet connect to other parts of our system?  I've still coughed during the day but that's just because there is no real way to put this on and go to work, but for sleeping through the night, it's wonderful.

I have never heard of this home remedy before but wow, I have to say,
"color me impressed!"

I wonder what ELSE Vicks can do??

Buy Vicks Vaporub 3.53 Oz here at Amazon if you can't find it near you.

UPDATE:  Several of you have written to say it works best with wool socks.  I believe the socks I used were wool, but I will make sure if I have to do this again, I will buy a special pair of wool socks "just in case", ha.

UPDATE 2:  I posted a list with more uses for Vicks that I culled from around the net.  CLICK HERE to read the post.


  1. Good old fashioned home remedies :) Have also heard about it, but never tried it.

    Glad it's helping you both.

    1. Isn't it nice to hear something old fashioned that's been around for years works? Something so simple? Pretty cool!

  2. i have heard of this! good to know it works!

    1. I thought I was the only one who had heard of it, ha. It's weird when you are doing it, but then you go, "hey, it can't HURT so why not?" and then the next day you go, "wow, it DID work", LOL!

  3. By the way, I've also heard that leaving a n onion which has been sliced i half next to your bedside also helps. Or so I've heard... :)

    1. The onion remedy is an urban legend.

    2. Tonya the reality doser aside (I kid Tonya, you know we luv ya!), I had heard of the onion thing but haven't ever tried it. Hey, once again, it can't hurt. I'm out of onions at the moment but I might just give it whirl. Of course to do a valid test, i'd have to go without the vicks, ha.

    3. Snopes isn't always accurate. A cut onion is a magnet for any and all germs and bacteria. That is why the board of health warns that any onions left after a meal should be thrown out... It may not take sicknes from a person but it will attract and hold any and all bacteria in the room...

    4. I kind of thought about that too, that it probably wouldn't draw out sickness but might attract other bacteria. I figure it can't hurt, right? Just throw it away when it's time.

  4. We use the socks and vicks treatment. I am living proof that it works. It also makes your feet feel nice and smooth!
    (I just realised that you have discovered this side effect as well)

    My father used to dilute a little vicks in hot water and inhale it to help with a cold.

    Finally, and apropos of the onion: if he had a bad cold, my grandfather would take an onion, thread a string through the middle of it, hang it from the middle of the room and - so he said - in the morning it would be black because it attracted all the cold and flu germs to fly into it.

    1. Yay, someone else!! And yes, the smooth feet side effect is great, it's like an overnight pedi, ha. I have heard of vicks in a vaporizer, I would think a cup of hot water would accomplish the same thing. Thanks. And as for the onion, not sure I'll put string through it and hang it above me, ha, but I'm ok with one on the bedside table. Like someone said, it can't hurt! Thanks for sharing!! I love stories like this.

  5. It will also kill any fungal nail infections! It's not a quick remedy but it does work. If you find any brown or black patches on your toe nails that's where it's attacking the infection. Doesn't work if you have nail polish on them though - just saying :-)

    1. Really? Wow! I love it! Don't have that (fungus OR painted nails, LOL) but I will keep that in mind. Heck by putting them all over my feet, I suppose it could be preventative too. Awesome, thanks!

    2. Several years ago my Mother's Doctor told her to use Vicks on her toe nails. She had a very bad fungus. She was told it would take a while and to keep applying it. It really works.

  6. I have used this Vicks remedy--it DOES work, and yet, rarely does anyone believe me when I tell them. lol It's especially good for little ones...that croupy cough.

    We have had the same thing you guys have and the same lingering cough. I still put Vicks on my chest and throat when I'm sick...old remedies are often the best. The Irishman hates the smell of it, but we have a queen sized bed, so...I sleep like a baby, while he coughs. HA.

    Feel better, Boyos...

    1. Oh, I'm with you on the vicks on the chest, I actually am weird and like the smell of it, ha. Reminds me of my childhood and there's something comforting about it. Hey whatever works, right? Off to buy some more tomorrow! Thanks for the well wishes, this 'croupy cough' as you so well put it, sucks. We feel totally fine otherwise, just this dang lingering cough. It's becoming less during the day but still, not much we can do with the vicks at work. Darn it. :0)

  7. My theory is that the needed ingredients are absorbed through your soles. Ever see the commercial for the detox foot pads? Same thing.

    1. That makes perfect sense! And many of the ingredients are just essential oils aren't they? Sounds logical to me too! Thanks!

  8. I have heard of this but haven't tried it. I'm not HOPING to get a cough but next time I do, I'll try it out. Thank you for sharing first hand. I'm thinking it's like ladyhawthornes said, something is absorbed into your feet and gets into your system. I might be a weird one but I LOVE the smell of vicks. :-P

    1. Ha, I just posted a reply a few comments up that I love the smell too! There are those of us out there. I've been known in the middle of summer when I'm all well to just open the jar and take a smell. :-)

  9. yes - it DOES work and my mother used to put the vicks on our feet with socks when we were children and it is something that i still do whenever i have a bad cough (which is very rare over the past several years). the onion thing also works. if you are sick, cut a few onions in half and place them on a plate in every room of the house - the onion will draw in all of the bad ickiness and will eventually turn black. when it turns black, replace it with a new half onion. this will prevent others in the house from getting sick. it is especially important to place a half onion as close to your head as possible, on your night table when you sleep. don't be surprised if the onion is black the very next morning. the onion will try and draw as much sickness from you when you sleep. keep placing onions at the head of your bed and in every room of the house until you are better. i swear - it really works!

    i hope you guys feel better soon. warm thoughts and prayers being sent your way! your friend,

    1. Awww, thank you. OK, now you contradict what Tonya found (still luv ya Tonya, ha)...I guess we're going to have to do some non scientific research on this. Hey, I'm all for something that might work that we always have around (though for some reason, I have none here tonight. Off to the market tomorrow. I wonder if I could do that at work? Probably not, ha.

      thanks again (and happy anniversary!!!)

  10. 1st Man,

    This is something I need to add to my medical note book.

    THanks for the information!

    1. Oooh, do share your notebook tips sometime! I love hearing of these kinds of remedies. And hey, we can always be prepared by having some basic, simple, multi use things around the house than can help us out in unexpected times.

  11. My family has done this for years also. It does work and so does the onion....

    1. Thanks for the confirmation. I am definitely intrigued now about the onions!!! Thanks for stopping by too!

  12. My grandma used to put Vicks on me, too. Hubby does Oranges and Chicken broth.
    I will remember this if I can find my Vicks again. So much is still lost after the move.
    Thanks for sharing it with us!

    1. Yep, I think many of us grew up with the vicks chest/throat rub but as we grew up and moved on, we may have forgotten of this remedy. I do vitamin C pills but 2nd Man stocks up on oranges too! Thanks for the tip!

  13. I have used this for years and it always worked for us. As a child my mother used to put Vicks or methylated oil on our chest at night, making sure you wash it off with warm water and soap first thing in the a.m. tho I am not sure why. I heard about the Vicks on the bottom of the feet with WHITE COTTON socks from an old warhorse of a nurse when I was in nursing school and started using it when I got married. It worked! I have been lucky enough to only use it on myself once but lots of times for my family. Glad it worked for you.
    Old home remedies do work......some better than others. I can tell you from working in an E.R that anything with menthol added to the "nether regions" does not work! Although it does provide comic relief for the staff. LOL

    1. Yes, it only is needed on the soles of the feet. I stopped coughing for the first time in two months as I sat in bed and applied the Vicks to the soles of my feet. The reason you must wash it off the chest thoroughly in the morning is because you can get pneumonia if you get in cool, cold, windy weather.

      Yes, I know I am late for the party.

    2. I love old home remedies. Sorry I'm just now replying to this, it got lost somewhere in the old postings. Thanks for the info and I can only imagine the laughs you had, ha.

    3. Linda, I'm glad to hear it worked for someone else too. I had never heard about pneumonia will have to remember that if it comes up again. And never too late to the party, "stop by" any time!!! :-)

  14. Huh! We used to get Vicks on our chests if we caught colds as kids and it certainly worked. I'll have to give the socks idea a try next time one of us is sick. BTW, Vicks or Vaseline will also cure athlete's foot.

    1. Another great remedy to add to the list! Thank you!

  15. i'll have to remember this feet/sock trick. :)

  16. Ok...summer cold time! I am just starting on the annoying cough...sometimes its deep and sometimes my throat just dry. I'm trying this remedy works!!

    1. I hope this worked for you!! I never heard back. Hope you are feeling better regardless.

  17. I am new to reading this blog, but stumbled across this post. I am so stopping on my way home from work to pick up some Vicks. I am on round 2 of this really awful cold and cough. Feeling desperate.

    1. I am so sorry about the delay in replying to your comment. When someone comments on an old post and it I OK it, it goes back to the end of the line of the other comments. I hope you got some relief!

  18. Hi
    My nearly 3 year old daughter has had a cough for the past few days. it got worse today and I remembered this remedy and thought id try it.
    I put vicks all on the soles of my daughters feet and chest and covered with some white cotton socks. Put her into bed. She coughed one or 2 times and is now sound asleep. Fingers crossed she has a sound sleep.
    Always have vicks in the house so it would be a total godsend if this works.
    Thank you for the suggestion.

  19. Hi
    I have just tried this remedy on my nearly 3 year old daughter. She is sound asleep after coughing quite continuously most of the day. Amazing remedies.
    Will update in the morning to tell u how the rest of the night went.
    Hope it works.

    1. Isn't it great how it works when it does? It's such an odd remedy but sometimes the old is the better, ha.

  20. My parents applied Vicks to my throat and chest whenever I had a cold. Then pinned a wool sock around my throat. It really felt good on the sore throat, as my body heat was held in by the sock. A couple nights of this and everything cleared up. Tried this remedy once as a young adult and used an acrylic sock because I didn't have a wool one. Didn't work. Found a pair of wool socks & use them only for the Vicks remedy.

    1. Oh, I remember those days of the vicks on my throat. It's almost a comfort thing for me, ha. I've gotten us a couple pair of wool socks as well to use only for those times when we need it.

  21. This is my third night of using vapor rub on my feet and putting socks on. The first two nights it worked wonderfully. I slept better than I ever have period. However tonight it's not working at all. I can't stop coughing when I lay down to sleep.

    1. I hope it worked for you. I wonder if there is a time limit? I mean, like a time when your body adapts to it? Interesting. Let us know how it came out.

  22. Thanks for the Tip! I'm gonna try this one! :)

    1. I hope it works. It really did work great of us. I'm not sure if it works the same for everyone but hey, it certainly can't hurt right? Ha.

  23. I have always been a fan of Vicks but have to say that it completely escapes me when I or my son or husband are fighting a terrible cough, just because I think, as a whole society has sort of forgotten about some of the simpler old time remedies. My son has asthma and get a terrible "asthmatic cough" that can keep him up all night. I literally just tried putting Vicks on his feet and 5 minutes after doing so his cough subsided. I am a true believer and can't wait to spread the news!

    1. Well aren't you kind to tell us that. Isn't it bizarre (but in a good way) how well it works? I'm a grown adult and when I used it, I thought it seemed silly, UNTIL IT WORKED, haha. I hope it works well for your son. Thanks for sharing!!

  24. I didn't believe that st first but out of desperation tried the vapor rub on both feet and my cough subsided and the next morning my cough became much loosened.

    1. I'm so glad it helped. I was the same way when I first tried it and was amazing. Thanks for letting us know!

  25. Why are the most re cent comments dated in the future. According to my calendar it is only December 16, 2013 not January 2013?

    1. Oldest comments are at the top, Jan 2013 (earlier this year) and newest, today for example, are here at the bottom. :-)

  26. Yup I too got desperate enough to try something "I read on the Internet". I Was hacking all night and remembered i saw this Worked in less than 5 minutes. I really want to know how in the hell out works. And who thought of this. Only down side is I hate sleeping in socks.

    1. YAY! I have NO idea how it works, it's the craziest thing huh? But I'm with you, hate hate sleeping in socks but at least I guess we can actually sleep, lol. Thanks for sharing your results.

  27. My 10 year old and I woke up last night coughing :( If it keeps up tonight I'll try this and see if he'll go for it lol! My dad, who was born in 1924, told me his Mom would put Vicks in their noses AND have them eat a teaspoon of it when they were sick. I'm not advising anyone to do that (or doing it myself) but it didn't kill any of her 8 children and they all lived well into their 80's!

    1. Thanks, I've heard of people eating it, not sure I would recommend that but hey, I guess it did something huh? I hope this works for you if you need it. And feel better!!!

  28. My mother used to rub us on our throats, chest ant and back. Then came the cover up to our chins and the spoon of Vicks to swallow. That was over 50 yrs. ago and all four of us are still here so I guess swallowing Vicks can't be any worse than some of the other cold remedies out there. LOL

    1. I love Mom used to rub it on my chest and throat (still comforts me when I do it myself, ha) but gosh we never had to eat it. But I guess y'all and all the others are still here to remind us of this, ha. Thanks for stopping by!!!

  29. There are a ton of home remedies for colds and flu symptoms. One that I use, and most people don't know about, is organic peppermint tea. Peppermint will calm down a stomach and help with nausia, even morning sickness. It is safe for anyone to drink. Another one is cola syrup. Same thing. You can ask the pharmacy where to find it. Citrus based teas help with congestion, such as constant comment, and sleepy time throat. There are a lot of homeopathic remedies out there safe for all ages. Oh and yes the vicks works wonders.

    1. Thank you for this info! Much appreciated!!! (and we'll try some!)

  30. I have had a cough for over 3 week and did this last night. Very little coughing during the night and today at work, my co-workers told me they were glad I was finally getting better. When I told them about Vicks - they were amazed. So I would say it does work, but can explain why.

    1. It's a mystery but if it works, right? Ha. Thanks, glad it helped!

  31. I have an asthmatic cough and the Vicks on the soles of the feet works for me.

  32. My doctor told me about the Vicks sock cure and I swear by it! She didn't know why it worked but couldn't argue with the results. It even helped my daughter get over pneumonia. Of course, the antibiotics did, too! Glad you're better. :o)

    1. That's awesome (sorry for delay in replying, didn't realize there were comments on here that were older. Here we are almost a year later. Sorry! Hope you are well this season!

  33. Totally feeling your pain right now. I just got over a pneumonia a week ago and now I caught a super bad cold. Not ideal. I'm doing the vicks in socks right there and also everywhere else! I like putting it on my chest and right above my lip. It burns a bit but I don't care, I will pay that price to breathe a bit more freely!

    1. It works great around the nose area, I do the same thing. I actually enjoy the aroma, ha. Hope you are better!

  34. I know you aren't supposed to put anything in your ears smaller than your elbow! However . . . My roommate heated Vicks in the lid (I'm old and Vicks had metal lids back then) and poured the warm liquid in my ear that was aching. I have NEVER I said NEVER had an earache since 1961 and it's 2014 now! Then once the Veterinarian told us to put Vicks on the cat's paws for what appeared to be the sniffles. Cured that too. I am on oxygen 24/7 and my nose dries out something fierce. I know you aren't supposed to use it internally, but I have lubricated the inside of my nose from time to time. Oh, yes on my wedding night we were staying at his parents and I had been complaining of congestion all evening. Dear mother-in-law fixed me up with a flannel cloth after I rubbed Vicks all over my chest. Yep, on my wedding night.

    1. Well, hey, if it works, that's all that matters right? I have never heard of the cats paws thing. Will remember that. Thanks for sharing!!!

  35. My 5 and 1/2 year old daughter has been coughing a wet, phlegmy cough for 2 days now. It was keeping her up tonight, had been in bed for the last an hour coughing. Cough medicines have not been working, humidifiers have not been working...nothing. In desperation, just looked this up and tried it. She stopped coughing immediately and was asleep within 5 minutes. It has now been almost 30 minutes and not a sound. This is amazing!

    1. Wow! Great!!!! Isn't it weird? I am so happy, it's never fun to see a little one coughing and upset and seemingly nothing you can do. I hope she gets better and thanks for letting us know!

  36. I'm laying in bed next to a soundly sleeping husband that spent most of today and all of last night coughing. He put the menthol on and then socks, within five minutes he was out!! This is wonderful!! Hopefully we both get to sleep the night through!!

    1. That is great news, thanks for reporting back that it works. Hope you are better now!

  37. Ive had bronchitis for about a week and a bit now and offered with terrible night coughing fits. Google 'how to stop bloody coughing!' and this blog was one of the first to appear. Laying in bed now with viks on my chest, under my nose and slathered on my feet (socks on now) and I haven't coughed once. Plus my hubby has stopped snoring so loudly because of the sheer amount I have on.
    Very happy, very sleepy lady right now. Its 3:40am now, so lets see how I sleep. Night all!!

    1. Bless your heart, I hope you have a good nights sleep. I wish I could claim credit for this, it's like a miracle cure isn't it? LOL! I'm glad though that I put the info together and it comes up near the top of google hits. Pleasant dreams!!

  38. Benefits of Vicks VapoRub

    Do you know you can upgrade the shade of henna connected staring you in the face by rubbing Vicks VapoRub on it? I have attempted this on myself and yes it worked. Vicks VapoRub is not just to cure blocked nose and sore throat.

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